Chapter 20: Love letter

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Felix pov:
It is hard. I know she is getting more hate than me but that is the problem. She gets hate because of me. It doesn't bother her tho. But it still hurts me. I tried to live normal these days but I still feel guilty. 

Y/N pov:
I was living now with the daily hate I get. I am trying to ignore it but sometimes you can't fully ignore it. The worst thing is that Felix started to withdraw, he is rarely involve in activities when it is not compulsory. I see him rarely these days. He says he is busy in his room at the agency. I don't belive him. The Straykids members already tried to help him but they couldn't do anything. It is following me every single second in my head. Has it something to do with our puplic dating now? Is it my fault? How can I help him? How can I help us?                                                
'Chan, I need your help. Are you free right now?', I wrote him a message. He usually has good advice for everything. I hope he will be able to help me, us.  
'Yeah I am free. Come to my room in the agency. You are there right now too, or not?', he answered.  
'Yeah, I was in my room looking at new drama requests. I will be there in a few.', I answered. I walked out of the room and walked straight to Chans room. I knocked and went inside. I bowed a little but he soon waved it of.
"Sit down, you came her because of a reason, right?", he asked. I nodded.
"I think I already know, but  explain it to me.", he said.
"The thing is Felix is kinda weird these days. You noticed it too, you know what I mean. I think it kindas has something to do with the puplic announcment and the hate we both get. How do I help him? How do I help us?", I explained him.
"I think it is important that you tell or write him how important he is to you. That the hate doesn't destroy anything. You need to explain him that he is important to everyone, you need to make him realize that he is important. ", he tried to explain.
"I understand. Then I will go now, I want to try right away.", I said, bowed and left. I went back to my room. I pulled out a sheet and started writing.

Dear Felix,
I want to thank you for being there for me all the time. I want to thank you for helping me on my journey to who I am now. I want you to know that you are an important part of  it. I just want to tell you that I love you. I love you more than everything, you are so important to me. Without you I don't know who I would be now.
I want you to know that the rest of Straykids loves you to and you are so important to them. They love you. I understand that you strugle, I understand how you feel. 
I love you,

Should I send him the letter like that? I wrote it from my heart, I should give it to him. I will put it on his bedside table. I want him to read it. 

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