Ch.1 [Dorm, 286]

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Shadow's POV;

Finally, a new start in a completely new area. I stretch a little and breathe in the new air as I step out of the very cramped bus. The gentle wind flying through my quills and face, a cold breeze between my sweaty arms and legs. Best thing to feel after an hour or two long bus ride in a cramped ass bus filled with other teenage mobians who's going to the same college as I. Hopefully I won't have to see them again-

I look around for my one and only acceptable friend, being a year older than I and already studying in this college, through the crowd of people and noticed two big white bat ears above the people and instantly recognised them.

The crowd splits and walks in different directions and allows me to see my friend Rouge much clearer, she notices me and her face lights up.

"Shadow!~ There you are." ; She shouts and jogs towards me. Wasn't sure wether to be annoyed or glad to see her, but decided to stay neutral with my face not to offend the only one who could show me around in this forsaken place. "Hey." ; I respond with a very monotone voice.

"Dry as always, my my~ What will I do with you." ; She says teasingly as usual. I let out a quick grin and say; "You could show me around so I can get this day over with?" She pouts. ; "Not even a hug?"

I stare at her. Her face just getting poutier and poutier until she finally gives into my stubbornness, she groans and begins to shows me the way to the dorm management desk.

A fox woman, looks to be the same age as Rouge but a little older, at the desk looks at me and judges me from top to bottom and then forces a smile and says in a very obviously fake cheerful voice ; "Hii, what can I do for you today?"

I give her an annoyed stare and she begins to get uncomfortable. Rouge pokes out behind me, noticing me being quiet, tells the desk girl ; "Yes hello~ my fellow friend here wants a specific kind of dorm?"

The girl types something in her computer and asks for specifications and Rouge replies with ; "No roommates nor next door neighbours, thank you~" the girl gives her a judgemental look and a worried look for me.

"Anything wrong? ; I growl out because of how annoyingly slow this desk lady is.

She yelps and quickly lets out a "No! No no!" ; and a nervous laugh. Rouge just sighs. Anyways, I got the dorm keys, finally, and leaves before she could even tell me anything.

Rouge keeps up with me after a good minute and says "You're a hand full, you know that?" ; while panting. I chuckled and we walked towards the buildings with all the dorms.

On the way Rouge tells me she had to leave and that I had to find my way there myself and told me the dorm number I got. Walking around I look and look for what felt like hours and finally..

"286" it said in metal numbers next to the door. The dorm was hidden from the other dorms on the side of the whole building and when looking through the windows, it was pitch black. Even if the sun even hadn't gotten down yet, but I shrugged it off and just put the key in because I was exhausted.

The door creaks and the dorm is very very dark. The curtains were down to let any sunlight in and I'm very sure I just saw a spider crawl out of the door when it opened.

I look for the light switch and flicks it, the light turns on and everything looked fine to me, a little dusty on counters and the tv and a few spider webs here and there on the ceiling but it doesn't bother me at all.

I have a dorm, no roommates and am completely isolated from any other pesky lower lifeforms.

I put my bag somewhere and just decides to do all the unpacking and cleaning for tomorrow, I'm tired and couldn't bother trying to find the bedroom, I flopped on the couch and dozed off.

This isn't as bad as I thought.

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