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Bella POV

We all sat down, I looked at them. "I have some explaining to do." I mumbled.

They all nodded with curious glances to each other.

"Edward is dead," they all looked shocked, "we killed him," they looked even more shocked. "Edward was using me only for my blood,"

They all nodded in understanding, "we understand why you did it," Carlisle spoke softly, while the others nodded. I sighed in relief, I still love them.

"I love you guys," I said, I stood up and opened my arms, and every one of the Cullen's, even Rosalie and Jasper piled into my arms, well more like I got squished. Then the hug got tighter, and I knew my other family has now joined the hug.

This is the best my life has been in a long time, now I truly felt whole, and safe.

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