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Bella POV

We walked down the hallway to English and we walked in Jane and Victoria behind us holding hands and Caius had his arm around me and all the students looked at us shocked with there mouths wide open and the teachers eyes looked like they were going to bug out of there sockets. I giggled and and walked confidently to the teacher when I heard someone say in a whisper to their friend "god I love her outfit,"I had on all leather my make up all dark except my red lipstick, "hello Mr. Dichraft were the new students" I said (that's the name of my science teacher it's pronuced dick-raft) "s-s-sure umm I-I-introduce yourselves" he studdered as well as his heart. I turned around and saw alice, emmett, rose, and jazz. I looked at alice silently asking with my eyes if she told them and she shook her head no but quickly so no one saw it but me and I smirked I looked at the other Cullen and the two hales and Rosalie was generally shocked but I could see a small amount of pain... wait pain and I looked again and it was still there so I looked away cause it made me feel bad that I'm probably the reason she's in pain, I looked at my bear of a brother and he had his signature smile on his face but his eyes were questioning me if I still liked them so I smiled back at him causing his smile to get even bigger and I started to wonder when his face would split in half, and then I looked at Jasper and he looked like he was in pain still but his eyes looked at me like to things, 1st like I was a threat becase of all the scars I had (I've got over 1000 bites from wars), 2nd like he found something he thought he lost forever and would never get back. No offense to him but that combination in his eyes looked so funny, and all of that took only 10 seconds so I spoke but taking my eyes off of my 2nd family "hello I'm Isabella Swan but call me Bella, Iz, or Izzy. This is my sister Victoria Swan but she likes Vic instead, this is my boyfriend Caius Voltori, and his sister and Vic's girlfriend Jane Voltori but I consider her my sister since I'm dating her brother and she's dating my sister." I explained pointing to each of them "My father, Marcus, and my uncle aro adopted my sister and I when we were 2 when they took us from our mom cause she beat us and they took us in and then when we were 5 they adopted Caius and Jane when there parents were in a plane crash and Jane and Caius were at the babysitter." I said explaining the public story to everyone. "ok emmett and jasper can you to bring up 4 stools for them were going to all ask a couple questions. if that's ok with you?" Mr. Dichraft said the last part looking at us and we al nodded and they brought the stools up emmett winking at me when he gave me my stool and they went to sit and the 4 of us took a seat on the stools. when the 2 boys were sitting Mr. Dichraft went around the room and telling them to introduce themselves first then went around and a boy in the right front corner stood up "I'm Jason. and are your eyes normally gold?" he asked "yes they are" I said looking at him and he nodded and sat and the girl who looked way to bubbly stood up bouncing "I'm Cathy. what are your favorite colors?" she asked "mine is silver" Jane said brightly "green" Vic answered as if it was clear as her hair looked like fire "red is mine" Cauis said smirking "mine is black, red, silver, and green but only neon green" I said smiling and smiled back and sat down and alice stood "hi I'm alice, alice Cullen. I was wondering if you loved to shop?" she asked grinning and Cauis and Vic both said quickly and loudly a "NO" and Jane and I giggled and we both squealed "yes" and Alice's face lit up and she sat back down and Jasper stood from his seat and asked " I'm jasper. where did you live?" he said only looking at me "Volterra, Italy" I said looking back a quick look of shock crossed his face along with worry and sat back down. As em rose from his seat. "I'm emmett. do you like to wrestle?" he asked "HELL YA" I said loudly while the others said no and he laughed his booming laugh and sat down and Rosalie stood "I'm Rosalie. do you forgive easily?" she asked and everyone turned and looked at her questionly wondering why the question. "depends on what" I said when Vic was going to snarl at her and I gave Vic a warning look and she nodded the rest of the questions were about stupid stuff like what's our favorite food but one question stood out from a big guy that looks like he liked to fight "I'm Max. who should to be the one to defend someone in your family?" "me" i said proudly and he nodded and sat back down them the bell rang saying to go to next class and we all went to history. Wow it's not even 2nd block yet and I might have to already beat Max. Oh well.

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