Happy Ending?

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Bella POV

Ever since that lovely day, my families have moved in together and we all love each other, Alice and Jane left to go shopping, Alec, Emmett, jasper, and Demetri, are all outside wrestling.

Carlisle and Marcus are talking about medical advancement. Esme and Heidi are talking about gardening.

Rosalie and Chelsea are talking about the latest and fastest cars.

Santiago is talking to Aro about where we are going to move to next, and right know I'm cuddling with my Cauis I looked up at him, "I love you," I whispered happily.

He smiled at me, "I love you more baby."

"We love you too," I heard everyone say, I turned my head and looked at my family. This is perfect everyone is getting along better then I ever could have dreamed.

Then Alice and Jane came home, they looked happy.

"Oh no!" Emmett boomed, "please tell me to didn't buy the whole store!"

They giggled and promised they didn't, "so why are you so happy?" I asked suspiciously.

They giggled again and said, "I love you guys!" we all chuckled.

"We love you too," we all said at once.

The end! *tears* I love you guys, let me know if you wanna sequel! I love you! check out my other stories!

Luv ya,


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