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Bella POV

And all at once the burning pain went to my heart then it stopped completely I kept my eyes closed to make sure the pain was gone then I snapped my eyes open HD that's what it looked like everything was so much clearer then my eyes focused on my sexy mates I jumped on them and kissed them but then I remembered "the kids" I whispered I might have whispered it but the sound of my voice shocked me "haha you can tell who's kids who's their is one for all of us" Caius laughed "lets go" I said jumping up and down "not yet u need to drink" aro exclaimed while Marcus through me a human I didn't even think as I sunk my teeth into the warm skin and the hot tasty blood slid down my throat when I was done I jumped up and down again asking if we could go now and they all nodded and with that vampire speeded all the way to the kids when I got there it made me feel as if my heart started beating again there was 6 kids though "what happened" I asked "I read the test wrong you were having 6 kids." o wow so "who's who?" i asked "you get to name them" "alright" I said as I picked up my daughter that was clearly aros and mine "alright you will be Jade Rosalice swan voltori" I said to her and she clapped I handed aro Jade she had aro's hair and eyes but everything else was me "prefect" aro muttered while taking her and I picked up a boy that was clearly Cauis and mines child cause of the white hair with brown streaks "you will be Tyler Carlie swan voltori" I whispered handing him to his father and Cauis chuckled while I smirked I picked up a girl that was a prefect copy of me but I could tell she was Marcus's and I's daughter "you are Alicia Jane swan voltori" I said handing her to her father while they both smiled the same heartbreaking smile while I picked up a little girl with Cauis's hair but I could see some of my mothers red hair streaked in it with striking blue eyes with a hint of brown in them "you will be Lillian Heidi swan voltori" I whispered handing her to Caius while I picked up a girl with my hair but strait with black streaks "your Angel maire swan voltori." and handed her to aro while I picked up a boy with Charlie's hair but Marcus's face with the swan eyes "you're Charlie jemmett swan voltori" I said proudly handing him to Marcus after that we laid them down for a nap and went to snuggle in bed next door

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