Chapter 9: Not Just A Sarcastic Asshole

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AN: you know when it will be time to play that song above ;) and I recommend you do play it, because music makes everything more enjoyable! Really hope you enjoy<3 and I would love to know your opinions! :D


Oliver Bernz was gaping at me with his mouth open, and his eyes wide. It was clear that he didn't understand a single thing I was saying concerning Biology.

This boy was dumb as a rock. No wonder he failed like two times in a row.

This was our second lesson and he didn't even memorize my name, so apparently memorizing more than that was impossible.

And of course, on the first lesson, Jayce didn't even show up, and I was the one who was told off about it. Mr. Florence said that if Oliver and Jayce didn't pass, no matter how hard I worked, I wouldn't get the full bonus to my marks.


So I was actually pretty pissed at Jayce after that and decided to pick him up myself for this class. Of course he grumbled a lot and called me a nerd about a thousand times, but thankfully I still didn't kill him.

Both were sitting across of me, one trying with all his might to solve the problem I assigned and the other... well, he was texting, shooting papers at the nearby bin and making fun of everything I said.

I rolled my eyes, trying to keep my cool and ignore Jayce. "Are you done with the problem Oliver?"

He looked up, his brows furrowed. "I don't think any of what I wrote is correct." He said nervously, handing me the paper.

I scanned it carefully.

Was I talking to the wall this whole time? Did he not understand anything I said?

Putting the paper down, I said, "Okay, this is not entirely correct. Maybe I need to repeat the lesson what do you think?"

Oliver scratched his head in confusion and it looked like his mind was already closed up.

Jayce grabbed the paper and looked at it. He started laughing after a couple of seconds. "Man, what the fuck is this? You sure you're in twelfth grade?" He nudged Oliver.

Oliver looked at him with wide eyes, as if seeing him for the first time. He didn't say anything but kept looking at him, unknowing Jayce practically dissed him. "Yes, I am. I'm a senior this year. You're in twelfth too...right?"

Jayce laughed even louder and clapped his hands together. I wanted to face palm myself so bad.

"Let's see you do any better Jay. Let me hear your answer." I smirked. "What are the five steps of mitosis smartass?"

He put his legs down from the table and quirked an eyebrow, daringly. "Well, the five steps of mitosis, called prophase, pro-metaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, constitute the period in which the cell makes preparations for cell division." his smirk grew wider. "The five phases are differentiated by specific events of preparation for cell division. Cytokinesis refers to the actual cleavage event, splitting the cell in two. Also from this..."

What the hell? Does he have a Wikipedia in his ass or something?

Clearing my throat, I said, "Okay that's enough for now. ... That's good." I cleared my throat again. "I'm glad you've understood my explanation."

"It wasn't your explanation, shortcake." He shrugged, leaning back in his seat, and putting his legs crossed back up on the desk, "Its basic biology."

"Then why are you in this class if it's basic biology?" I threw at him. I don't know why I was pissed that he actually knew the answer.

"Maybe so I can spend time with you," he said with a half-smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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