Chapter 7: Let go of My Wrist!

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At first, Sean was confused on why I changed my mind but then he was happy to tell me that I could go rest up in his room. He said it was right in front of the guest room so that's where I went. I wasn't entirely sure I was in the right place, because there were more than a dozen different doors on the same floor. Or maybe there wasn't... Im just too hazy at the moment, and my judgement is pretty much in the negative area.

Wow, this house is really huge. I wonder what's behind each of those doors. I mean, apparently the six of them live here alone so why would they need all this space?

Maybe they have a torture room...

Or a room full of nuclear weapons...

Or a dungeon of separate cells. You know, like The Vampire Diaries?

Oh, shut up Ash. Get your imagination under control for once.

Oh! They must have an awesome gaming room since Ellis enjoys playing Xbox. I must let him show me it sometime later. Thinking of Ellis, I hadn't seen him since I entered the party. Actually, I haven't seen a lot of familiar faces since I came in.

I pushed open the door of the room which was supposedly Sean's and stepped in. The moment I was inside, I felt the room engulfing me in its darkness. Everything was black; the walls, the bed sheets, the bedside tables, the carpets, the curtains, and the desk. I couldn't help but furrow my brows as I looked around and took in my surroundings. It was like a tornado had just came in here and didn't leave a single thing in its rightful place. Blobs of clothes were all over the floor and in every corner. The bed was messed up to the extent that it was probably never made for the past week. Cans of Redbull and beer were on every surface and littering the floor, and dirty plates were all piled up on the desk. The curtains were shut and it seemed this room never even had the chance to see sunlight.

It was so gloomy and depressing and anything but Sean. How can someone even survive in this mess?

A crammed bookshelf by the window caught my attention so I walked over to it, being the nosy person I am. Scanning it carefully, I realized it was mostly filled with books about specific kinds of weaponry. I recognized some of the handguns and rifles on the covers of these books because I've seen them before on Call of Duty.

See? Video gaming can be useful sometimes.

Weird... Sean never mentioned he was a handgun enthusiast.

The shelves also carried stacks and stacks of different files and I felt like a criminal when I stretched my hand to grab one.

These must be something confidential. I don't think I'm supposed to look at them, because that would definitely be stepping over the line and violating Sean's privacy. So, I took a step back and grabbed my phone wanting to send Lyanna another text.

Me- Are you done with your party? -.- come onnn! By the way have you heard from Liam? He disappeared the moment we came in and he hasn't shown up.

I chucked it back in my pocket, knowing Lyanna was definitely not answering for another fifteen minutes or even more. The faint sound of music was still heard from up here and it made me wonder if I should go back down there and have some fun. Actually, no. I'm so done with this night.

Enough being an idiot for one day.

I stole a glance back at the black bookshelf carrying all those masses of white files.

Okay, fuck it. I'm a curious person who can't control herself. I was born this way, it's not my fault.

Marching over to those shelves again, I grabbed a tattered looking file and opened it.

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