Chapter 3: I'm Smooth As Butter

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"I cannot fucking believe this," I muttered under my breath. "People who have horrible timings should rethink their whole entire life."

I was fiddling around with the straw in the tall glass of Pepsi in front of me. Like always, I was the first one to arrive at Pizzeria and wait around for my beloved friends.

Yes, beloved is sarcasm. I'm going to kill them both.

It was already three forty five and neither of them has showed up or even had the decency to tell me they're going to be late. When I waited for Liam by the lockers earlier, to tell him that we'll be going out to Pizzeria, I didn't find him. Being the kind-hearted person I am, I cursed him a few times under my breath then proceeded to look for him, when I remembered he had football practice before and after recess. I cursed him again for forgetting to tell me, and sent him a text instead. So, for a second, I was proud of myself for not forgetting, and I was definitely going to praise my memory skills in front of Lyanna. That was if she was coming.

Liam and Aly are about to witness the eruption of a volcano soon enough. First, the fact that they're idiots who don't think of a watch as a time telling gadget but of some damn accessory and second, because I was already so furious that Rude Cashier actually turned out to be in my school. Wohoo.

The feeling of never having to see him again made my life a teeny bit better, but now considering I'll be seeing that arrogant face every stupid school day, I think it's more merciful if I would just get stepped on by a herd of raging cattle.

The door to the Pizzeria diner thrust open and several voices were all talking and laughing at once. My back was to the door so I didn't quite see who they were. The group of chattering kids soon slumped on the chairs a couple of tables away from mine.

Two girls and four guys. Yes I counted. Not like I had anything else to do other than curse my friends.

One of the guys had his arm slung over the brunette's shoulder, and the others were just chatting away and having a friendly fight. I spotted Sean's mop of curly blonde hair between them.

Oh, they must be Sean's friends.

I suddenly felt awkward and uncomfortable sitting all by myself in a cheap pizza place, looking like a loner. Unlocking my phone, and opening the notes app, I started typing random shit just to appear that I was texting.

Pathetic, I know.

Maybe if I pretended I didn't see Sean he wouldn't spot me. But unfortunately, considering I was Ash of bad luck, he called up to me all the way across the diner, "Yo! Ash!"

Oh no he was coming up to me. Just act cool. Act cool Ash. "Oh hey Blondie! Didn't see ya there eh!"

What is wrong with me? Blondie? Eh? Seriously?

Mentally slapping myself, I waited till he arrived at my table. He had the what the hell is wrong with this girl expression on his face but it soon vanished. "Hey! Um... how are you?"

"I'm super-duper!" I said.

Stop it Ash. Just stop, please.

Sean furrowed his brows the slightest bit but a smile tugged at his lips. "Well don't we all just want to be super-duper?"

My cheeks flushed. "Yea...maybe."

"Anyway, are you here with someone?" He motioned to the empty seats.

"Um...I'm actually waiting for my friends," I said. "You should get back to yours."

He took a glance back towards his table and all his friends were staring confusingly at him. "You wanna come...sit with us or something till your friends arrive?" He said, taking another look backwards.

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