Wow, ok, dramatic much?

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Riley's POV
Honey bunny 🐰(1:36 pm)
Ugh get me out of this class istg
Are you theeeeere????
I said heeelllppppppp
I need you to fucking answer me
Read at 1:39 pm

"What the fiddledy fuckidy diddildy doo? You left me on read??" I whisper, as I reread my messages with my best (and only) friend, who I met and talk to online. 

"Ryan. Is there something you'd care to share with the class?"  I slightly flinch as the teacher calls out to me, mainly because this bitch just used my dead name after I've been out of the closet for most of the school year, and also because she singled me out, instead of any of the other students who weren't even paying attention, obviously on their phones, or not even trying to hide their conversations with friends. Hell, one kid's sleeping and she's letting him be!

"No ma'am, sorry," I say in almost a whisper. I hate drawing attention to myself, especially in classes. "If you continue to disrupt the class then I'm going to have to message your parents about your behavior." Haha, good luck, one's as good as dead and the other I haven't seen in six months. I refrain from talking back and slide further down in my chair. It would be one thing if she sent it when I was living with my dad, but another entirely if she sent it to my Aunt, I'm staying with her while my father is away on business in some small country in Africa, I think he's getting one of my uncles or something, as well, but I'm not entirely sure on what he told me he was doing was true, and if I'm being honest, I was having a hard time paying attention when he was saying this stuff. But some crazy shit has happened in the past couple of months and I've been getting on my Aunt's nerves with stuff so I mostly keep to myself so I don't bother her.

I know I shouldn't feel like this but I often feel like a burden, living with my aunt. She works so hard to keep food on the table so I try to stay out of her way. I've kept my distance and haven't been talking with her so I don't bother her. And, to be honest, I kinda miss her. I miss telling her about the latest gossip from school or what happened in classes or with my friends. I've kept everything new from her for a while.

She doesn't even know I kinda have powers now. I'm not sure if I've found them all out but I have crazy hearing and crazy eyesight, and it's really cool, but sometimes it gets really bad and the intensity of everything is so painful. Instantly everything becomes too much to handle and I can't do anything, everything becomes deafeningly loud and everything around me hurts to look at, the colors get too bright, as if the brightness and saturation were dialed crazy high. If something moves too fast it hurts my eyes, and everything I touch feels painful.  It's like my senses get dialed up to 11 when they're normally at like a 5, and it hurts. My aunt saw me have one of these flashes, which was followed by a panic attack.  She helped me calm down and didn't even ask me what the flash was. She just comforted me and helped me through the panic attack, and afterward, we watched movies and she let me miss a day of school, which I was surprised she let me do.

I snap back to the present and try to focus for the rest of the lesson, but end up zoning out and thinking of what it might be like to live with my dad again. Shit, I'm not out to his friends, how am I supposed to deal with that. Well, that'll be something I'll have to talk to him when he picks me up from the airport before I get to see Uncle Clint and Aunt Tasha.

As the bell rings, I reach under the collar of my shirt to grab the chain that my dad's and uncle's dog tags are on.  My dad gave them to me before I left to live with my aunt and although I haven't had much contact with him since, but the tags become a sense 0f comfort for me. It's almost as if he knew I'd need them, almost like he knew he wouldn't be able to reach me as often.

~le time skip~

The final bell rings and I throw open the doors and make my way across the parking lot and through the football field. Before anyone can see me I run to the fence and before I jump over I throw my bag to the other side. I come up and continue running as I grab my bag and make my way to my aunt's apartment.

I run up to the building and make my way to the front doors, reaching into my jacket pocket for my keys.

"Hey! Your home?" I drop my bag on the ground and shut the door with my foot and reach to flick on the lights. As I do I see a man sitting on a chair in my living room turn off the lights.

"Kid, you might wanna sit down."

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