Ummm why?

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In this chapter, there is a trigger warning for panic attacks. It's a short part of the chapter and I will put a warning when it starts and ends so it can be a fairly easy bit to skip if needed. <3

"Kid, you might wanna sit down."

Riley's POV
I place my keys on the front table and grip the dog tags once again. I take a step closer to the man, taking note of his appearance and mannerisms, especially things that might stand out in this town. I make eye contact, well, with his one eye, the other is covered with an eyepatch.  Dark skin, eyepatch, all dark leather clothes? I turn the corner to stand in the room.
"Ummmm, I-I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude or anything but w-who are you?"
"I'm Nick Fury, director of the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, otherwise known as SHIELD. I work with your father, as well as many other agents all around the world. Our mission is to track threats, mainly things that are extraterrestrial, or inhuman."
Wait, what? Am I a threat or something, what the fuck? I zone out and think of what I knew of SHIELD and what was supposed to be. "Did you know her?" I interrupt. He looks at me confused. "My mother. Did you know her?" My voice is harsh and cold.
He flinches, as if this part of the conversation he anticipated and wanted to skip. "Yes. I did, and she was very close with me and many other higher-ups in the organization before that mission."
"Well, why are you here talking to me instead of going off to save the world or whatever?"
"There have been certain things in this town that have been popping up on SHIELD's radar." He pauses. "I know about the Shadow."

~⊂◉‿◉つthis is jeremy, they are bringing us this time skip, let's be nice to the little en-bean~

Fury's POV
"How do you want me to explain this to my Aunt Sharon?" Riley looks at me with concern.
I try to reassure her, "I'll take care of that. I'll see you in a week kid."
"See ya in a week, Nick."
I roll my eye at her and turn to leave.
"Be careful around Columbus Street, ok? There are some... unkind people there." I can see the worry in her eyes and hear it lacing through her voice.
"I'll be careful, kid. Don't worry." With those words, I turn and leave.

Riley's POV
The rest of the week passed in a blur. Nick texted me to check in once every couple of days (how did he get my number?), mainly to ease my thoughts about this move.  Monday and Tuesday I went to my normal classes and Wednesday, Sharon was going to pick me up right before the buses got to the school, and then Thursday and Friday I would spend packing and around 1 on Friday Nick would be stopping by the apartment so we could head to the airport. At school, I was supposed to go through my normal routine until last period on Wednesday, when I would be cleaning out my locker and getting stuff from classrooms, but I didn't pay any attention to any of what the teachers were saying. Instead, I was just thinking about my dad and New York throughout the day. I got to 5th period social studies without freaking out. I raise my hand, "Mr. Broderick, sir, could I please use the restroom?" My teacher, let me go and must've seen the worry on my face because he gave the Teacher Sympathy Look™️, I don't bother to send a look to reassure him before booking it out of the room.
(Tw panic attack) What if my father is embarrassed by me? He's going to be so disappointed in me, in who I am, in who I've become. He's going to think I'm some fucking monster. I start to breathe heavier and panic. I stumble towards the only gender-neutral bathroom in the school (the only open one, at least) and shut and lock the door before sliding down the back of it while trying to calm my breathing. I end up not being able to calm myself so I fumble my phone out of my pocket and call Aunt Sharon. (TW ended) She gets to the school to pick me up (a bit earlier than we had planned) but first comes with me to my classrooms to grab all my things.
We leave the school and head towards Sharon's car, holding my school stuff and, Sharon slinging an arm around my shoulders. I put my things in the back, and hop into the passenger seat.
She looks over at me as I sit down. I look up at her after a while of trying to stop my hands from shaking, eventually giving up and looking back down to pick at my nails.
"Know what, let's go out." I look back at Sharon unexpectedly.
"What?  W-Why?" I ask, confused.
"Because you've had a rough day, and I might not be able to see you for a while. So, what do you want to do first?  Anything you want to do.."

~(@ ̄ー ̄@)time skip again sorry~

We get back to the apartment late at night, both of us laughing and happy. We had gotten pizza for lunch, then went to an arcade that has tons of cool games, and I got a stuffed turtle as a prize. Then we went to the movies where they were showing movie sing-a-longs so we went to the Grease singalong and they had the Frozen singalong (which was mainly filled with 9-year-olds, but it was fun).  Then we went to an ice-cream shop and got some ice cream cones, where I convinced Sharon to let me get some Monsters, coffee, literally anything with caffeine and she agreed so we went to the mall and stopped at the Starbucks to get giant coffees before going off to shop.

We dropped our bags and collapsed on the couch, exhausted from the day. Aunt Sharon gets up after a few minutes to make us something to eat and I grab our bags and put them in our rooms.
I grabbed the TV remote and flicked through the channels to find something that looks remotely interesting.  I find nothing that looks too good so I switch to Netflix and find Umbrella Academy, which I had introduced to her.  I set it up and shortly she comes back from the kitchen with two bowls of spaghetti (with marinara sauce and meatballs of course), and we sit down and start watching.

After a couple of episodes, I look over and see that Sharon had fallen asleep.  I turn off the TV and take the bowls and the glasses from our drinks and bring them into the kitchen and put them in the sink. I go back into the living room and take one of the blankets and place it over Sharon.
"Goodnight" I whisper. I tiptoe into my room and shut the door as quietly as I can.  I change into pajamas and lie in bed, and check my texts before drifting finally off to sleep.

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