Turbulance is fun

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New update brought to you by the fact that I haven't touched this new chapter in 6 months.

I am so sorry for no updates I just have like no motivation for anything 😂😭 I'm fixing it and trying to write more so I'm trying to write this all in one sitting now cause why not (i failed most of this was written 6 months ago💀). A bunch of shit happened and also nothing happened at the same time but uhhh yea, a chapter is here????

SHIELD facilities suck balls.

At least this one does.

I never really had to get on a plane before. When my dad drove me out to my aunts, he decided to do a road trip instead so we could spend time together "as a family" but he just wanted time away from work. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he was trying to avoid doing something

We get through all the weird SHIELD agent shit and finally make it to the giant plane. I ignore the looks and whispers from everyone wondering why a child is walking with Nick Fury (which, let me tell you, did NOT help my anxiety about being in a SHIELD facility again).

We get to the plane and I stop in front of a bright red '62 Chevrolet Corvette (I was told by Nick not to touch it) "Woah," I breathe out in astonishment, "that is an awesome car."

Nick laughs "C'mon kid, we gotta move. The plane's taking off soon."

I tear my eyes away from the car and follow Nick up the spiral staircase next to a lab (ah yes a lab on a plane, what can go wrong there) and into a fancy-ass lounge-looking space. I sit in an armchair next to Nick's, place my bag next to me and wait for the plane to take off.

A/N wow i'm so sorry lmao. this is a really short chapter, i wrote forever ago and now i'm just getting this out, giving y'all some content, then i'm gonna go ahead and write more asap to get this story going. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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