Chapter One

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Just a little disclaimer, this book will contain gore and mentions of abuse.


It was early morning, the sun was just barely touching the windows. You could easily hear the birds gliding by or a car drive past.

  Some people would be waking up peacefully at this time. But not Tom.

  Tom was in the basement of an abandoned building, tied up and bruised. And the worst part is that he had done it to himself.


"Tom, where have you been?" Edd asked as he walked through the door.

Dang, I knew I should've taken the back door. It's like he was waiting for me, Tom thought.

"Hello? Are you going to answer me?" Edd asked impatiently.

"I just went out for the night can you relax." Tom sighed. He pushed past Edds's aura to flop onto the couch. He was exhausted. Not only from his lack of sleep but also the common occurrence of this event.

It would always go like this. He would come home after being gone all night. Edd would be waiting for him. Edd would scold him and beg him to tell him where he was. He would tell him to screw off, and then it ended.

He was waiting for the day Edd would just stop giving a fuck about where he went. He was an adult after all.

But he knew Edd only feared for him. He was scared that one day Tom would leave and never come back.

It all started two years ago when Tom returned one day covered in bruises and a look of guilt that he just couldn't hide.

His excuse, he just got into a bar fight. It happens you know. Drunk people aren't exactly in the right state of mind all the time.

It would be fine if it only happened once. But it didn't. Eventually, Tom would come home with multiple bruises every few weeks.

He quickly realized that he needed to cover them up though. He could only get in a bar fight a few times before someone could figure out that he was lying.

Edd took one good look at Tom ignoring the world in front of him and decided that there was no point in lecturing him. Edd let out a sigh.

Tom looked over into the kitchen to see Tord observing the scene. Tord always did this. It was like he liked to watch Tom be ridiculed.

Tom quickly looked away in irritation. Seeing that Tord had noticed his eyes in his direction.

An arrogant look quickly developed on Tord's face. He parted his lips, ready to talk when Edd walked in.

"Don't even think about starting something right now." He said looking at Tord. "I want to start my day off peacefully, not prying you two off of each other so you don't murder the other."

"You're so dramatic Edd," Tord spoke. "We all know I would kill Tom way before he got the chance to even hurt me."

"Please," Tom exclaimed, "you act like you don't get your ass beat every time we fight."

"That's because I don't," Tord responded.

"Whatever," Tom said. Tord was just such a liar. But Tom didn't need to prove anything. He was too tired to go at it with Tord. That could wait for a later time.

"I said not to fight and now you guys are fighting about fighting," Edd said while closing the refrigerator.

"Edd make me some!" Tord exclaimed, noticing the pack of bacon in his hand.

"Sure," Edd replied.

Tom's eyes were starting to close. He could fall asleep in a second if he wanted. But he really didn't want to stay on the couch.

So he got up to drag himself to his room. "You don't want any breakfast?" Edd asked.

"Nah, I'm not hungry," Tom mumbled.

Once Tom reached his room he fell into the embrace of his bed.

He should take a shower to wash all the blood away. But he could always do that later. Then his stomach grumbled. He guessed that could wait for later too.

Tord watched as Tom wandered away from his view.

He's been curious for a while about what Tom's deal is. He feels like it would be easy to find out but he doesn't care that much.

But it was still mysterious. No matter what theory Tord came up with there was always a detail stopping it from making sense.

Like the fact that Tom always returns with bruises. Tord could tell he was trying to hide it, but he didn't try very hard.

Tord popped out of his thoughts when he started to smell the scent of bacon filling the room.

"Hey Matt," Edd said as Matt entered the kitchen. Matt walked toward the counter to make his daily cup of tea.

"Hey. Where's Tom?" Matt said noticing that he was the only one missing.

"He was out all night again," Edd explained.

"Oh," Matt replied, "do you guys have to work today?"

"I have some commissions I should work on," Edd retorted.

"I don't but I'll probably be busy anyway," Tord added on.

One thing about Tord is that no one knows what his job is. Except for him of course.

"No adventure today then, but that's alright," Matt said sitting down at the table.

The three then ate breakfast, while talking about stupid things like would dolphins take over the world one day or something idk.

"Well, I'm gonna get going call me if you need anything," Tord said sitting up from his seat and putting his dish in the sink.

"Ok, see you later," Edd replied.

Tord put on his shoes and walked out the door.

While he didn't have work he did have an important meeting with someone about supplies he wanted for his projects.

While it was a pain to go out of his way to get them he would say it was worth it.

He considered himself lucky to have connections to someone that would be willing to help him. For something in exchange of course.


Authors note: haha 1000 words exactly how did I manage this. Well, this is the first chapter and I'm sorry if it's a little boring. I want to get to the interesting part right away but I know that's not how it works. Anyways if you're reading this, I would like to thank you : )

  And if you could give me some feedback and suggestions if you feel like it. Until the next chapter, adios.

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