Chapter Ten

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Knock knock knock. Tom begrudgingly opened his eyes to the knock on the door. Who the hell is knocking on my door right now?

He looked over to see that it was early in the morning, as he suspected.

"Tom, are you awake?" He heard Tord whisper through the door.

"Ugh, what do you want! Don't you see what time it is?" Tom whisper shouted.

"I know, but it's important. I really want to talk to you."

Tom looked over at his door in concern. Important. What could be so important?

He got up feeling slightly nauseous without even trying. When he reached the door, he slowly pulled it open.

Tord didn't have a problem letting himself in. He brushed against Tom as he turned the light on. Tom hissed.

"Why did you turn the lights on, asshole?" he complained. Tord pulled the chair from Tom's desk and sat down.

"You don't remember, do you?" Tord said, looking at Tom with slight concern.

"Remember what?" Tom questioned, looking at Tord in confusion.

"Sit down." Tord pointed to Tom's bed. Tom sat on the edge of his bed, turning his attention back to Tord. "Man, your room is messy," Tord commented.

"Oh, is this what you wanted to tell me? You're no better yourself." Tom pouted.

"No, that's not what I wanted to tell you. I know everything. About your secret. I know you can transform and whatnot. I figure you don't remember this, though. At least you're acting like you don't. So I figured I need to inform you. We also made a deal. If you told me what you knew, I would leave you alone. That's why I haven't been bothering you." Tord calmly explained.

Tom looked at him in silent shock. I was right, something happened. But why would I ever tell Tord? How did this happen? Tom panicked a little.

"I guess my assumption was right?" Tord asked. Tom took a second to answer.

"Y-yea. I didn't remember. Is that all we agreed to? You want nothing else from me?"

"No, but I have a proposition. I am interested in helping you curve your intense cravings. In review of my notes on your condition, you never mentioned trying to find something ethical to get rid of your urges." Tord spoke. He looked intensely at Tom. It made him feel sick.

"Ethical?" Tom questioned.

"I want to help you. So I want to conduct a few tests. Such as, does eating raw animal meat curve your tendencies? Or maybe does animal blood do that?" Tord watched as the color slowly drained from Tom's face.

"Tord, that is gross. Do you think I would just willingly eat raw meat and crap? Are you crazy!" Tom said, at a loss for words.

"I know you wouldn't, but would the monster?" Tord said with air quotes.

"You want to get close to me when I'm transformed! I could hurt you. This is a terrible idea. Are you stupid?" Tom criticized.

"I am not stupid. I will take a risk to help you. And for the name of science. It makes sense that you could try nothing like this, as you have no control over yourself after you transform. I plan to make something more stable to contain you in this state. Which shouldn't be hard, considering your current course of action. Then I can conduct experiments safely." Tord explained.

"Why do you want to help me? Don't you hate me?" Tom asked him, squinting his eyes at Tord.

"Maybe because I live in the same house as you and I want everyone to be safe? And even though I don't like you, I can see how this is affecting you. It might not even work, but isn't it worth a try? For a chance of relief?" Tord asked.

"I guess. This is all just really a lot. Like you're overflowing me with stuff and it's 2:30 in the morning... Thank you. For telling me since you figured I couldn't remember. I appreciate that. For now, though, I have to ask you to get out of my room. I'm probably not gonna be able to go back to sleep but I still just want to lie down right now." Tom ranted out. He let out a large sigh.

"I understand," Tord said, standing up. "I'll leave you alone. But I expect you to answer my offer before the week is over. That should give you time to think about it. I'll tell you more about it if you decide it's worth it." He flicked the light off as he approached the door. He turned to look at Tom one last time. Tom looked back. His eyes held a sadness in them.

Even with voids for eyes, Tom could still hold intense emotion in them. It was captivating, in a way. Tord had always found Tom captivating. Could you blame him? Tom was not your average person even before all the transformation stuff.

"Goodbye," Tord said.

"Goodbye," Tom replied. The door then closed.

A few days later, everyone sat on the couch as a movie played. As it got later, Edd fell asleep, and Matt exclaimed he had to leave because beauty sleep is important and it was getting late.

That left Tom and Tord relatively alone, as the movie had about half an hour left. It was some stupid Romcom that Matt picked because it was his turn for sure.

"Tord?" Tom whispered because Edd sat next to him.

"Yes?" Tord said.

"I. I accept your offer. I'm willing to try." Tom responded.

"Alright, I'm glad you accept," Tord responded. Then they continued to watch the rest of the movie. Tom figured his best choice was to trust Tord. If it could help him, why would he refuse? If Tord's plan works smoothly, how could it go wrong...

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