Chapter Fourteen

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Tord flipped on the switch to the basement. Tom followed him down the stairs. He tried to ignore how nervous he was feeling.

Now that Tord had finished enough work, he wanted to conduct his first test or experiment. Whatever you would call this situation. Tom couldn’t believe he let it get this far. I can’t just say no now. He might kill me for wasting time and energy.

Once they reached the floor, Tord pointed for Tom to sit in the “dungeon” chair. Tom sighed before reluctantly sitting in the chair. He thought it was comfy.

“Alright!” Tord smiled at him. He seemed awfully excited. That didn’t help the pit forming in Tom’s stomach. It convinced him this was all gonna go wrong. He gripped the chair. I think I’m gonna be sick. “We will start off with some questions. Ok?”

“Ok?” Tom watched as Tord reached over and grabbed a clipboard.

“First question, how do you feel right now?” Tord stared at him.

“Um, nervous and scared.” Tom played with his fingers in a sad attempt to calm himself. Tord took notice of this and wrote down Tom’s answer.

“Ok, number two. Have you ever tried anything to stop your transformations before?”

“Not really... Only alcohol, and that doesn’t even work.” Tom admitted.

“Mhm. Number three. Do you feel like transforming right now? And why?” Tord asked.

“Not really. As you already know, I’ve had the urge to for a few days now. But my anxiety is making me feel weird right now. God, why am I telling you this?” Tom closed his eyes.

“Because it is important to my research on your condition. I have information from before, but I need current details. They are very important. Four. How would you say your mental state is on a scale of one to ten?”

“A three.”

“That’s pretty low. Do you think your condition is the primary cause of this conflict? Is anything else bothering you?” Tord observed him.

“You, you suck. But... I feel like it mostly is my condition. “Tom sighed.

“Alright. Number five, are you ready to get started?” Tord set the clipboard down. Tom felt his heart drop.

“Y-yes.” Tom looked away.

“Well, get up. Luckily, you're not gonna be in the chair. Instead, you’ll be here.” Tord pointed to an isolated corner with heavy chains. Tom stood up and winced.

“I actually think that might be worse.”

“So far, we know this method has kept you from escaping before, so these should be strong enough. I made sure they are very sturdy, too.” Tord patted Tom’s shoulder. Tom pushed his arm away.

“You like talking about the government, but they must have a file on you or something. With you buying all this shit. Maybe they think you’re a serial killer.” Tom joked.

“The key is to purchase it secretly. Leave no evidence of a transaction.” Tord responded.

“Ok then,” Tom said.

“Come on, get over there so I can chain you up.” Tord gave him a push in the back.

“Ew, you better hope these chains work because I do want to attack you right now.” Tom slowly made his way to the corner.

After a slight alteration, Tord fully chained Tom a few minutes later. Tord wiped the imaginary sweat off his forehead.

“How do you feel?” He asked.

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