Part 10

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Simon and Kelly are seen playing video games on the couch. "Ok, so next we should play one of these dating sims" Kelly said looking through a box labeled: 'cherry's games DO NOT TOUCH!!!' Kelly looked through the box and pulled out a really old dating game. "This looks interesting!" She said. "I-I don't think we should g-go through her b-box like that." Simon said as Kelly put the game in the console. It booted up and suddenly the tv glitches. It turned pink and began to suck the two in. "AHHHHH!!!" They both try to run but get pulled in. They turned into 16-bit sprites and appeared in the same area as the game. "What the!?" Kelly looked around confused. "Simon.... SIMON!?!?" She looked around for the neko. She saw him being petted by two girls. They were both a bit pixelated and in school uniforms. Simon was blushing madly while the girls obsess over him. Kelly pulled him away. "Mine!" She glared at the two. She walked off with him and was stopped when someone stood in her path. She looked like the character on the box. "OOOOH!!! Such a cute little guy!!!" She picked Simon up. "Hey!!! He's mine!!!" Kelly said angrily. The tall girl grinned. "Oh yeah?~ well how about if I beat you in a competition of some kind, I get him. And if you win. I'll leave!" She said. "Ok! Let's sing!" Kelly summoned a microphone. The girl pulled one from her bag.

After the first song, the girl in front of Kelly glitched slightly and got a annoyed face. "Y-You brat!" She said angrily. The two girls from before we're watching the whole thing. "this time... ILL TEAR YOUR TITS OFF RIGHT AFTER YOUR BOYFRIEND IS FINISHED SUCKLING MINE!!!!! >:( " the girl yelled. Kelly got mad. "OH YOU BITCH!!!!"

Song 2–

After, the tree girls suddenly collapsed. They start glitching as the world around them darkens. Where the girls once stood, were three pixelated spirits.

 Where the girls once stood, were three pixelated spirits

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(Except pixilated)

"YeArS wIthOUt HuMan ContAcT HAs lEFt Us wItH nOThInG. We WIll TakE yOuR bODyS AnD TAke OUt hEr fAUtHeR FoR OuR saKe aND aLl tHe OtHers." Simon hides behind Kelly.

Song 3–

After the song they all fly at the two. Simon's first turn orange and he punched the red one, sending her flying away. White covered everything as Simon and Kelly fly out of the tv. They get up. "That....was....awesome." She said giggling. "ahem!" Simon and Kelly both see cherry in her demon form looking at them angrily. "The box said NOT to touch..." cherry said angrily. "I-I didn't w-wanna d-do it! It w-was Kelly!!!" Simon said. "Thank you Simon." Cherry smiled. "N-NO NOT TRUE!!!" Kelly said, scared. "Well. I guess I'm gonna have to do something." She cracked her knuckles. "WAIT NO!-" Kelly got tackled by cherry. Cherry then began to tickle the ever loving shit out her. "NOHOHOHOHO!!!!" Simon saw this and slowly walked to his room. He sighed and licked his door. He then turned on his computer. He started playing games as the girls have a tickle fight in the other room. He put on his headset and started playing. His username was: XxXgamerguyXxX. He opened a game of minecraft and his friends join.

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