part 29

332 7 2

Simon and Sky are seen walking down the street.

Sky: hey babe. I was thinking of trying peg-

 I was thinking of trying peg-

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???: Excuse me. Can I talk to you both for a second?

Simon: s-sure?

???: Good. Have you 2 seen someone who looks like you but brownish bluish hair and hollow black eyes?


Sky:... Yes... We have.

???: Where did he go?

Sky: he died I'm pretty sure. He exploded into smoke.

???: *Sigh* I guess since your still alive. He's around...

Simon: I'm sorry... W-who are you?

Mario 3178-D: I'm Mario, from universe 3178-D. I'm looking to put a stop to that monster. I've already tried the steak in the heart trick. They turn into a puff of smoke and split apart. Then they reform and continued their murder spree. If you have any information on any of the EXE's. I need to know.

Simon:... Well ...


Mario 3178-D (I'll call him Mario3 to save time) walks into Simon's house.

Simon: X! Can you and the other Exe's come here please!

After a second, they come into the room. They instantly regret their decision.

Mario3: You.

X: ... You... Oh fuck. Why is he here?

Simon shrugged.

Mario3: I'm here to avenge the thousands killed by you all. You will take me to the others. Now.

Sarah: eat a dick!

Mario3: stay out of this. X. Take me to the others.

X: it's not that simple.We have to kill at least 1 person after being separated. I haven't killed anyone yet!

MX walks into the room and instantly walks out.

Mario3: Hey! I know you couldn't of resisted murder at this point!

MX: and so what if I did! I can't tell anyone where those guys are!

Mario3: why not!?

MX: You they're in a blind zone!

X: it's 1 of 5 places on the planet. When in those blind zones we can tell they're in a blind zone but not which one.

MX: thank you. And yes. Look, Mario, you've been chasing us for a long time now. Yeah, the blue man killed your brother, peach, Bowser and everyone else. So what! We're doing this for a reason.

Mario3 gets closer to him.

Mario3: What reason could you possibly have!? It makes-a no sense!

MX: I can't tell you here. I can feel that they're reading this interaction.

Mario3: What!?

MX *chuckle* I'll explain everything. We just need to wait for the them, and also him to look away! Someone do a flashback! Quick! I'll whisper it in his ear!

Sarah: Got it! Man, what did Luther say that one time?

Flashback --

Luther: I fucking hate you.

Flashback over--

Sarah: oh yeah heh.

Mario3: I'm sorry WHAT!? HOW CAN W-

MX: Shhh. They're looking again.

Mario3: ok... Ok...

Simon: w-what did you tell him???

MX: the truth.

He said. He walks out of the room.

Mario3: ... Thanks for the help kid...

He said walking out if the house.



Lord X stands up and looks around.

Lord X: what are you waiting for!?

M: I can sense a large amount of EXE's

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M: I can sense a large amount of EXE's... I can also sense we're being watched.

Lord X chuckles.

Lord X: well then. We'll see all of you, very soon!

He said looking at the viewer.

Lord X: Hmm... You know what readers? Talk with me a moment.

The 2 grab the $$#2daf-37€=¢'=✓¥=✓[[[[

They both hop off the page and land on the editing page for a Wattpad story.

Lord X: ok. First off, If you don't know who we are, go read the book called; "the EXE files." Second. I'm sure some of you wonder why this kid with an orange hat keeps getting so many women. Well, I don't wanna spoil the surprise. And I probably shouldn't make him too angry. But I'll tell you this. To you, we are a Meer fanfiction. But us that REALLY all we are?

He said before laughing and waving goodbye.

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