Your Flowers ||Luna Lovegood||

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You close your eyes, feeling the wind blowing gently against your face. It was warm for Spring, and the smell of the flowers in your yard was sweet. 

You were waiting for your girlfriend, Luna, to get back. She had been on an expedition searching for new, or rare magical creatures. She wanted to document things that other people seldom had the chance to document—due to them not knowing where to look. Luna was now known for her collections on being able to write about particularly shy creatures—she knew where to look for them, and she knew how to be patient. 

There was a sketchbook in your lap, open to two pages depicting the swaying field of flowers. Luna taught you the spell that made it so that your drawings were able to move, making your pages full of cats bounding around the page, characters from different media, as well as OCs interacting with each other, random shapes and blobs of color moving around each other, you name it.

You jumped at the snap beside you, and turned to see your girlfriend. 

Luna smiled back at you, and walked over to you.

"That's lovely." She said, kissing your forehead. 

"Thank you." You hummed, leaning against her. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. I got you this." She said, pulling out the most delicate, precious ring you have ever seen. There was a stone you had never seen before on the top. "If you would be alright with it, I would like to marry you. But you can also accept it without that intention if you like. I thought of you when I saw it, you see. It compliments your eyes."

You looked at her, and shook your head. "Luna—"

"No, it's fine no need to explain." She smiled, handing you the ring.

You chuckled, taking her hands in yours, and pulling her in. "That's not what I intended. I was going to say that you are the best thing that has happened to me, and that I would love to spend the rest of my life with you." 

She smiled the widest smile you had ever seen anyone ever show.

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