Not Jealous ||Tony Stark||

345 18 15

y/f/s= your favorite show
y/hon= your honorific (mr, ms, mx, dr, etc.)

You were sitting on the sofa, watching your favorite show when Tony walked in.

"What're you watching?" He asked, coming up behind you, and kissing your forehead.


He frowned. "I don't understand why you like this so much, but whatever."

"You don't need to watch it."

Tony looked at you, playfully offended. "Well now I do need to watch it, y/n. What are you hiding from me?"

You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to the TV.

After several episodes, Tony grabbed the remote, and turned the TV off.

"Tony!" You swatted at him, trying to get the remote. "Turn it back on!"

"No." Tony said, chucking the remote across the room.

You tried to stand up to get it, but he swept one quick arm around your waist, forcing you back down on the sofa, laying on your back. He crawled over you, and sat on your hips to prevent you from getting up.

You tried pushing at him, since you still had mobility of your arms, but he always deflected your attempts calmly.

"What are you doing? JARVIS, turn on the show that was just playing."

"Yes y/hon—"

"JARVIS, don't listen to y/n for the next three hours." Tony interrupted before the AI could do what you had told it.

"Yes sir."

You frowned. "JARVIS? JARVIS!"

No response.


"Tony, why'd you turn the show off, it was just getting good."


"Because why?"

"Because every time that actor comes on screen, you bite your lip."

You scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah, I thought you were doing it just to mess with me at first, but then I realized you weren't aware of it at all."

You rolled your eyes. "Tony I—"

"Am sorry for checking another person out?"

You shook your head.

"Right in front of me?"

You rolled your eyes again.

"Tony, I wasn't checking anyone else out."

"Yes you were, admit it y/n."

"I'm not going to admit to something I didn't do."

"And I love you for that, I really do, but this is something you did do."

"Oh please, it's not like they're a real person. They're a fictional character, Tony."

"Ah-ha! So you do admit to it."

You felt your cheeks heat up, and you looked away. "Fine, I find someone from that show somewhat attractive. But that doesn't mean anything, I'm still with you."

"Sure it doesn't."

You looked back at him, glaring, which made him smirk even wider. "It doesn't." You insisted.

"Mmk, so if something were to happen to me..."


"And someone resembling this character who will not be named just happens to show up..."


"You wouldn't go with them?"

You sighed, and looked at him. "That's never going to happen."

"I don't know, I've seen aliens, wizards, wouldn't surprise me if a fictional character suddenly appeared and stole away the love of my life."

You reached up, and cupped his face in your hands. "That's not going to happen."

"You don't know that."

"Come here."

Tony obeyed, and laid his head against your chest.

"I love you, you don't have to be jealous of fictional characters."

He nodded, and relaxed his body a bit, as you began rubbing his back.

"But if Dr. Strange can somehow teleport me to a fictional reality, I am leaving you."

He jolted back up. You laughed.

"I'm kidding."

"No. No leaving me for Strange...or even for Loki."


"He can change his appearance."

You fake gasped. "That's a good point, maybe I should find a way to contact him."

Tony frowned, this time it was your time to smirk at him. "I'm kidding."

Tony shook his head, and got up. This time, you sat up, and pulled him into your lap. He struggled at first, but eventually gave in, leaning back against you. You started running your fingers through his hair.

"Thank you." He said, tilting his head so that you could get a better angle.

You shook your head. "You are a child."

He smiled. "I know. Now can you let me get up so that I can get some blueberries?"

You sighed, and kissed his cheek, unwrapping your arms from his waist. "Fine."

He got up, and quickly walked into the kitchen. You got out a book, but you were soon interrupted by Tony grabbing your book, and throwing it across the room.

"Let me guess, I was biting my lip?" You remarked sarcastically.

"Nope" Tony said, popping the p as he sat down next to you, "it's just time for you to finish what you started."

"What do you mean."

He pointed to his hair. "Pet. Now."

"Needy," you murmured, running your fingers through Tony's hair, until he leaned against you, and ended up falling asleep.

You sat there for a while, until a voice came started speaking to you.

"Y/hon, would you like me to start the show now?"

"Yes, JARVIS, thank you."

"JARVIS, turn it off." Tony said, still keeping his eyes closed like he was sleeping.

"Yes, sir."

"Y/n, hair." Tony said, and you had to start all over again.

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