Sick ||Steve Rodgers||

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Potential warning: depictions of getting sick

Requested by: J000lll82

Illness spread through Stark Tower quickly, and unfortunately, you were usually the first person to get it.

Your coughing could be heard from across the tower all night, and if Tony weren't deathly afraid of getting sick, he would've come into your room to complain about how you were "keeping everybody awake" and "causing a disturbance". Not that he was trying to sleep in the first place.

Instead, Steve was the designated verbal punching bag for when this happens, and usually the one who has to take care of people.

Once Steve finally got back from his run, Tony intercepted him.

"This whole 'sick' situation has gotten so much worse. It's asking for things now, and I think it wants food."

Steve sighed. "Let me get in the shower, then I'll go see him."

"Do us all a favor and don't make your shower as long as your run, Capsicle." Tony patted Steve's back, before making his way back to his lab.

Steve made sure he rinsed quickly so he could make you soup and tea.

Natasha was in the kitchen when Steve walked down.

"You're on y/n duty?"

"Yep." Steve said, getting out a can of soup, and pouring it into a pot.

Natasha nodded. "I turned the kettle on. I didn't know what kind of tea he liked."

"Thank you." Steve got out the tea, and poured the water into your favorite cup. Once the soup was heated, he put the bowl, and cup on a tray, and took it to your room.

He knocked on your door, and waited for you to tell him he could come in. Your voice was weak, so he barely heard it.

You were still curled up in bed when he entered.

"I brought you some soup and tea." He said, shutting the door behind him.

You glanced at him over your shoulder. "Thanks."

Started sitting up, pulling the covers towards you to cover your chest. Steve set down the tray, and propped up the pillows for you. You leaned back, still covering your chest.

He picked up the tray and set it in your lap. "It's okay. You don't have to do that." He said.

You let the blanket drop a bit, though you still kept you arms close to your chest. you trusted him, but it was a habit at this point.

"I'll be back." He said, he left your room, and came back with his sketchbook, and a bottle of medicine.

He measured out the medicine before giving you some. He opened the curtains so that you could get some sun, and got under the blankets next to you.

He started sketching, and once you were done eating, you laid back down next to him, cuddling up against his legs.

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