Writing something everyday until Christmas #3 ||Rosa Diaz x gender neutral||

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You dropped your bags immediately once you walked in through the door, a headache pounding through your skull.

To say the year had been a long one was an understatement—the two of you had been bogged down with work, and burn out threatened you now more than ever with the holiday rush. Your apartment was most likely emptier than everyone else's—neither of you really had the time to decorate.

Rosa was sitting on the sofa, watching something, and turned her head when she heard you come in.

"Rough day?" She asked upon seeing you, she could always tell just by looking at you.

You sighed. "I have a headache, I'm going to bed."

"Alright, feel better."

"Thanks." You murmur, not knowing if she heard you.

You went to your room to change into your pajamas, and cocoon yourself under all the blankets you had, pushing a pillow against your head in hopes it would alleviate the pain.

A while later, the door creaked open, and you peeked out to see Rosa holding a tray.

"Hey, I thought you might want some...things." She said, you could tell she was trying to be gentle.

You sat up a little to get a better look at what she brought: the tray contained a bowl of soup, medicine, and your favorite drink. You smiled up at her weakly.

"I'm not sick."

"No, but you need rest and you need food, so..." She shrugged, setting the tray down gently on your lap.

"Thank you."

"It was no problem. I would rather spend tonight here with you than watching some stupid movie anyway." She said, getting in bed next to you, and cuddled up as close as she could to you while you were sitting up. But once you were done, she brought your head to your chest, and played with your hair until you fell asleep.

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