Chapter 3: Shipping Things Together

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A few days after the encounter with Desti and the Octoposse, Mario and Luigi are hanging out at the castle playing games with Tari. The three sat on the couch and messed with their remotes wildly as Super Smash Each Other In The Ass Bros. was playing on the screen. Tari was a Yoshi, Mario was himself, and Luigi was a Toad. Tari, of course, destroyed both of them. Eventually Luigi got up and left for a moment, leaving just Tari and Mario left to play. He got really close to beating her, but she pulled off a move that would jump over his character and land behind it in perfect timing and let out a swift kick to force it off the stage.

Tari: Ha! I beat you again.

Mario: No! Not again. This game is rigged!
Come on Tari, this is the 164th time you beat me in a row.

Tari: Oh come on, Mario. You'll get better at the game soon enough. All it takes is some practice.

Mario: B-But...You're naturally better!

Tari looks to her meta arm, an arm capable of encoding and decoding multiple maneuvers and tricks in games to enhance gameplay.

Tari: I guess it is quite hard to beat me because of this meta-arm.

Mario: Maybe you should just cut it off and try again.

Tari: N-No, Mario.  That would really hurt.

Mario: Why? It's metal. Not flesh.

Tari: It...doesn't work that way.

Luigi: Hey, Mario?

Mario: Luigi, what do you want? Where did you even go? You missed me getting my as* whooped for the past forty minutes!

Luigi: I, went home to get a couple house-cleaning chores done. And while I was there, I couldn't help but notice...this.

He pulls out a picture frame. In it, was Mario and Meggy sitting on the rooftop together, watching a sunset.

Mario: Oh. That's nothing, Luigi. It's just a picture of us hanging out.

Mario takes the picture from Luigi and examines it.  It's a picture that was taken recently too. The two of them looked happy in the frame.

Mario: *smiling* Hm. This is really a good picture. And dang, I look good in this one.

He lowers the picture for a second.

Mario: Why are you asking why I have this? Can't I have pictures of me and my friends?

Luigi: That's not what I meant. It's okay for you to have a picture of your friends.  But you had the picture by your bedside.

Mario's face dropped.

Tari: What? Mario has a picture of Meggy by his bedside?

Luigi: It's on a little shelf or something next to it.

Mario: Guys, stop it.

Tari: Honestly, I ship it.

Mario: W-What!? S-Shipped!?

Luigi: Yeah. You do know what that means, right?

Mario: That Mario's f*cked?

Tari: Well...

Luigi: Basically. If you're shipped with someone, it is normally a good thing.

Mario: I don't want to be shipped off though! I wanna stay here! And I don't think Meggy would appreciate it either.

Tari and Luigi both facepalm.

Luigi: N-Never mind. You don't know what it means.

Mario: What the hell is even going on?

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