Chapter 5: Busted

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Meggy awoke the morning after her recollection of her past and jumped out of bed right away. Today was a special day at the Castle, and she didn't want to miss it.
Today was a day that Peach would be leaving the kingdom, which means everyone is going to group up and throw a small party.
The memories of yesterday kept nagging at her mind, but she couldn't focus on them now. Not when she's supposed to have fun with all her friends.
She climbed into her car and sped her way over to the castle, where everyone else already was. She was the last to arrive, but it didn't matter. She couldn't have arrived at a better time.

Peach: *furiously* What do you mean you don't want to come with!? I thought you wanted to!

Mario: That was six weeks ago! Things can happen in six weeks!

SMG4: Just let him stay, Peach. There's no need to force him. Plus, you two aren't together anymore.

Peach: And why would I leave him here still when I've got two plane tickets? I spent good money for this trip!

Meggy stood in the entryway, and her and Mario made eye contact, and she could just tell by the expression on his face that this had been going on for a while now.

Peach: So he's coming with me, whether he likes it or not.

Mario: I told you, Peach, I-

Meggy: Won't be going.

Peach turns around to see Meggy standing behind her near the doorway.

Peach: Ah, there she is. I was wondering when you were going to show up. I take it you're the one who keeps these rascals at bay, yes?

Meggy: Yeah. I am.

Peach: Then convince this scum to come with me!

She points towards Mario, and he backs off a step, terrified of what Meggy might do.

Meggy: You really want him to go with you? Even after you ended things with him?

Peach: ...Why...Why yes. Yes I do.

Meggy: And you want him to go when he clearly feels uncomfortable in doing so?

Peach: He is to do and go wherever I want! Whenever I want!

Meggy: How immature are you!? You need to let go of him. You broke things off, and it seems very clear to me that he's not interested in getting back with you.

Peach: What the hell!? You're one to diffuse situations! Not make them worse!

Meggy: Maybe this situation doesn't benefit you.

She walks past her and sets an arm around Mario, making his face go bright red.

Meggy: I'm willing to stand up for these people instead. I think Mario here is putting on a better show than you are.

Peach: How...How can you tell?

Meggy: Simple. Look at how uncomfortable he looks just in your presence.

Peach: Why you—!

SMG4: Okay. That's enough. Go on your vacation. You can always get a refund for the second ticket. Jeez.

He helps Peach out the door with her luggage, and comes back to the foyer and exhales loudly.

SMG4: Now that was a morning and a half.

Meggy: Tell me about it, and I just got here.

Mario: I'm just glad too showed up when you did, Meggy, otherwise we'd probably be locked in this argument for so much longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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