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Hoseok played with his feet impatiently in the waiting room of the doctor's office.  Taehyung took his hand and released some of his scent to convey confidence.  The younger gave a shy smile in response, and took a deep breath of the coffee and chocolate scent of his partner.

"Come in, please. Dr.Kim is waiting for you," the secretary announced, snapping the omega out of his reverie.

They both entered the office and each one sat in a chair in front of the desk in the middle of that large room. Hoseok looked around, trying to calm down.  A few framed diplomas hung on the walls, there were shelves full of books, and a few photos showing a couple with a small child.  Hoseok guessed it was Dr. Kim's family.  Who, sitting in front of them, spoke.

"Good morning, I'm Dr. Kim Namjoon."

The doctor was a tall man, with cinnamon skin and from what Hoseok could feel thanks to a slight scent of petricor that he gave off, an alpha.  He had introduced himself smiling and showing off some cute dimples.

"You must be the Kim couple ... Hoseok, right? " The named nodded.  "Is it your first visit for your pregnancy?"

"Y-yeah, I just got in a few weeks ago, actually."

"Okay, now I'll ask you some routine questions,” the doctor clarified.  "Date of last heat?"

"One month ago.The fourteenth," he replied, somewhat shyly.  "I think..."

"Ok" Kim typed something into a computer, and continued.  "Have you ingested alcohol, tobacco, or some other toxic substance?"

"No, I don't smoke, but a few weeks ago I had some alcohol, is it dangerous?"

"Not so much, if it was in a small or moderate amount" he answered thoughtfully. "But as of now, absolutely no alcohol or anything I mentioned to you."

Hoseok sighed.

"Okay, doctor."

They left the office, the doctor had prescribed some vitamins for Hoseok for his pregnancy, in addition to giving him some advice on his diet and care so that the baby was born healthy and strong.  Taehyung drove to his apartment, while Hoseok did not take his eyes off a brochure that he had taken from the office.

"Don't read when I'm on the move," he warned.  "It can damage your eyesight."

"Mhm, whatever you say, honey," he replied without stopping reading.

Taehyung grunted, slightly annoyed.  But he ignored what happened and concentrated on the road.

"Oh, will I really get that fat?"  He took advantage of the red light to turn to see Hoseok, who had a tender pout on his lips. "You won't love me then ..."

The brochure he had been reading had a diagram of how the belly grew during pregnancy.  Hoseok hadn't been around for a long time, so his abdomen was still flat.  Out of curiosity, he imagined what Hoseok would look like in the ninth month, with a swollen belly and chubby cheeks.  He smiled, touched just thinking about it.

"Fool, I'll always love you." He kissed his cheek, "But let me drive, or I'll crash and there will be nothing from you to love." He looked back from him to the road.

Hoseok showed a cute heart smile.  He looked at the window, and leaned back, while he thought about the new stage that would be about to happen.  A life was growing in his womb, and that childish dream of finding the alpha of his dreams and starting a family with him was finally being fulfilled.

Something inside him told him that everything was going to be okay.

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