Vampire knight - Kaname Kuran X Reader

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Requested by :- SarahRandall1

You admired him.
He was your hero. Your saviour. Your leader. But overall, your reason to live on. It may be seen as wrong, or innaproapriate, that a mere aristocrat vampire, like yourself, should fall in love with a pure blood... And not just any pure blood, he could be seen as the king, or prince or the vampires. He was the leader of the peace, and the binding in a book, which held it from falling into two. But he was Kaname Kuran, the pure blood vampire, who caused both your uprising, and your downfall.

But he loved another. Or so you thought, the words and whispers of the other aristocrats in cross academy pointed into the direction that he had fallen for Yuki Cross. Adopted daughter of the headmaster, and a human, who sought friendship with level E vampires. People like Zero Kiryu. Poor people who had been turned into savage beasts by selfish beings with abundant power. But not Kaname... Never Kaname.

You looked up from your book. You liked to read, it soothed your mind, and emerged you in a different world. A world where everything could be perfect, and just as you'd like it to be. If only it were reality...
"Good evening, (y/n)" said a voice. This voice was like silk, and had the grace as if it were treading over ice. Kaname.
You stood up, and bowed slightly, "good evening, Lord Kaname," you replied. You noticed Akatsuki Kain was standing beside him, a close friend of yours, who knew about your feelings toward Kaname. You inclined your head slightly, letting him know you knew of his presence.

"It is a beautiful moon tonight," Kaname said, looking toward the night sky. And it was. Like a halo of white among the many stars in the sky, a wonderful crescent of reflected light.
"Indeed it is," you stated, drawing your eyes away from the moon, and back to Kaname's brown ones. It was a night off classes tonight, the reason being, you could only wonder why, but you were thankful for the break.
"However, I cannot say that it is the most beautiful thing I have seen, in my time," he looked to you intently, and snapped his gaze away. "I shall be seeing you in tomorrow's class."
"Yes, Lord Kaname," you muttered, "have a nice night,"
He nodded in reply, while Akatsuki smiled at you apologetically, and walked away.

Next day...

You woke up early to the sound of weeping. At first, you just stayed settled in the warmth of your bed, listening intently to the noise, hearing whispers beyond the tears. The voices, you couldn't place a name to, but you knew by now that you couldn't fall back asleep. You wandered into the hall, your white nightgown, trailing behind you as you took silent, and cautious steps.
"Leave!" You a heard a shout, it sounded like... Kaname? A figure slammed the door shut, and ran out of
Kaname's room, as a blur. It faltered slightly, as it saw you there, and you made out a face, Yuki. She ran on, through the corridor, and disappeared into the darkness. A crash was heard from Kaname's room.

You knocked on the door, thankfully, the rest of the building was still sleeping soundly.
"Yuki, I told you to leave!" Kaname shouted from inside his room, it had the scent of blood.
"It's not Yuki," you said, loud enough so that he could hear through the wooden paneling, and yet, quiet enough so to not wake up the building.
"(Y/n)?" Kaname muttered, "why are you here?"
You sighed, and opened the door, to find Kaname leaning on the opposite wall, his chess board smashed against the floor, that would've been what caused the crash from before. He had a a silver knife in his hands, and was turning it between his fingers, gracefully, and delicately, leaving no trace on the skin.

Then you saw it. Blood, staining his shirt, just below his collar bone.
You rushed over to him, "Lord Kaname, what happened?"
He simply kept his eyes on the knife, not uttering a word.
"Lord Kaname..." You tried, but his gaze kept on the silver between his finger tips. You took it out of his hands, and placed it on a nearby table, before going into the bathroom to get a wet cloth.

"Lord Kaname, please tell me what happened," you pleaded, standing before him, his eyes fixed to yours.
You gave up, trying to earn a reply, "At least let me clear away the blood?"
He nodded, and moved forward, taking his shirt off, and discarding it to the ground.
You tried to hide your blush, which soon faded when you saw the wound beneath his collar bone. It was a gash which lead down to the top of his shoulder. Without hesitation, you dabbed the cloth upon the wound in an attempt to clear away the blood. You ran your finger along it, checking if there was any further attention needed. Kaname grabbed you, and you yelped.

"Lord Kaname, I'm sorry, I..." He cut you off.
"Kaname," he whispered.
"I don't understand... What do you..." you whispered, but he cut you off once more.
"You should call me Kaname," he said, looking up at you, locking his vision with yours, "only you."
You face turned red.

He sighed, "Yuki came in, and said she loved me," you stopped breathing, "but I said I couldn't love her back, because I love someone else,"
He loved someone else? Who? It could be Ruka, or Rima, perhaps even Serien? Even so, your heart shattered. You knew that he loved someone else, and had accepted it, but hearing the words from his mouth just made you break into two.
"I love her as a sister, but not like that," he said, "she cut me with this knife and ran off after I demanded her to leave."
"Im sorry, for coming in, and interrupting," you whispered.
Kaname didn't loosen his grip from you, and placed a finger to your lips. "I love someone else, (y/n),"
Your eyes showed confusion, why was he saying this?
"Consider this a confession, or a statement, but, I love you." Kaname said.

Your heart stopped, and you looked into his eyes, they showed truth, and love.
"Will you give me the honour of being mine?" Kaname asked.
You nodded, speechless, he smiled, and rested his forehead against yours, and wrapping his arms around you protectively, pulling you against his bare chest.
He leaned towards you, and you did the same, until your lips met in a kiss. It started off sweet, and savouring, but slowly gathered more passion. You felt stars, fireworks, and explosions. You were but an aristocrat, why would Kaname, a pure blood, even think about loving you?

These thoughts were soon banished from your your mind when he lead you away, sat on the bed, and pulled you onto his lap gently. He spoke between kisses
"Stay with me?"
Kaname pulled the covers over the two of you as you nestled against his chest.
"Goodnight (y/n)," he whispered, and pressed a kiss to your forehead, before you fell asleep.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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