Vampire Knight- Senri Shiki x Reader

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(Y/n)'s pov


"Shiki come on!" You yelled to your friend 'Senri Shiki' as you dragged him along the path. Both of you had to get new clothes for a ball which Kaname was holding for some reason or another.

"But, (y/n) , this is exhausting..." He moaned, as he looked at you with his permanently bored-looking face. His pale blue eyes piercing into yours as they pleaded for mercy. It was safe to say that Senri Shiki hated shopping.

"Well, Senri," you began, ignoring his annoyed look, "some arguments with Kaname just can't be won."

It was true, you and Senri hated balls and fancy events where you had to dress up, but all the pleading to the pure blood vampire known as Kaname Kuran rested to no avail. Even after talking with Kaname for hours on end, he wouldn't cancel the ball and then made it obligatory for the night class students to come.

After arriving at a store with seemingly nice formal clothes for Senri, you looked along the racks as he just looked at you with a bored face.

"Come on Senri, would you please stay on task?" You asked, knowing that he would just shrug it off and sigh in boredom.

"Ok," he said, simply.

This caught you off guard and you stopped looking for a few seconds. To your right was Senri, looking through clothes that may be an option to wear on the night of the ball. Although you were overjoyed that you don't have to do his shopping for him, for once, you couldn't help but think that this was strangely out of character for the boy with mahogany hair whom you had grown to love as more than a friend. Of course he didn't know this, as he probably wouldn't return those feelings, but a girl can dream... Right?

"Um, are you feeling ok, Senri?" You queried, pretending to look through clothes instead of being deep in thought- which you were- to make it look like a small matter.

He froze, "I'm fine," he answered. A few seconds passed in silence, "why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason," you lied and gave him an unsure smile.

Around ten minutes passed and you ushered Senri into the changing rooms to try on the clothes you'd picked out with his help.

'What's wrong with Senri', you thought as you saw him draw the curtain across. 'It can't just be about something as trivial as the ball can it? He's moaned about things like this before, but he's never been out of character like this'.

Just as you were thinking, Senri came out of the room and stood before you. Immediately, you noticed his shirt was all messed and winkled.

"What do you think?" He asked hopefully, a strike of worry written across his face. He couldn't be afraid of this could he? He's modelled plenty of clothes before, he's done this countless times in the past.

"I think," you said as you moved closer to straighten up his shirt and make it a bit tidier.

His eyes shifted uneasily around the room as you straightened up wrinkles and did his cuffs up nicely.

"I think you it would suit you well," you concentrated slightly, "if your collar was done properly,"

Saying this you moved toward his collar and dusted off his shoulders before moving your hands to his neck to fold his collar correctly. Before you could do this however, Senri took a light hold of your wrists, causing you to look up into his calm, blue eyes. A light blush dusted your cheeks.

"S-Senri," you stuttered,

"Hush," he whispered, removing one hand from your wrists and placing a finger on your lips. "We don't want to disturb other people by being noisy do we?" He finished.

He pressed his face closer to yours, making your blush turn a deeper red. The finger on your lips soon retreated back to holding your wrists. His nose brushed against yours.

"I've been wanting to say this for a while," he muttered, a light pink brushing his cheeks as well as your own, only yours much darker.

He inhaled calmly, "I think- no- I am in love with you." He whispered.

"Senri..." You said, he cut you off.

"I know you probably don't feel the same way," he began, "but I had to tell you at least once..."

He turned away, but you reached for his wrist.

"I love you, you stupid boy," you whispered without anger, but tranquility.

Without another word, Senri pulled you into a sweet kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you tangled your fingers into his mahogany hair.

You pulled away for air. Panting, you said: "by the way," you smirked, " I like the suit."

Shiki rolled his eyes and pulled you in for another kiss which you gladly accepted.

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