Hetalia - France X Reader

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Requested by:- @Animefan88

"Leave me alone!" You screamed. His voice was nothing but a mere torment to your head. Like a bullet rupturing through your skull and shattering your bones. This voice was France's voice. The annoying pest, France.
You'd had to stay with France for a while. You don't know why, but you were just told that you had to. It was probably something to do with the other countries pulling a prank, but whatever the reason, you had to stay with France. And you hated France. You used to think differently but now...

"Oh, but (y/n) you know you love me really," France tormented. Your face twisted in anger. This was the last straw. He couldn't keep treating you like this; like he was about to murder you, and then pretended he loved you the next. What you were thinking when you declared to yourself that you loved France all those years ago was a different story to the one you held now.
"Look France!" You screamed, his face held an expression of confusion. You'd never shouted or fought back before.
"France, just because you hate me, and think I'm an idiot who doesn't deserve anything in this world, it doesn't mean you have to treat me like I'm nothing!" You shouted.
"You embarrass me in front of my friends, you torture me in front of my family, and hurt me both physically and emotionally before everyone else!" Tears were leaking from your eyes. You don't even know why you moved in with France anyway.
"I can't stand it anymore! I'm leaving tomorrow!"

You ran to your room. France's was just across the hallway, which you made sure to bypass completely. Tomorrow you would leave, and you honestly didn't care what happened to France along the way. If he's treated you like this, for this long, then he can have the same, if only for a second.
You cried into your pillow and eventually drifted off into sleep.

Next day...

You woke up to a tear-stained pillow and the unfamiliar scent of roses. As your eyes fluttered open you realised that, on the bed next to you, there sat a red rose. A red rose with a note tied around the delicate stem which had been removed of its thorns. It read.

Dear (y/n),
I am truly sorry about what I said. And what I've said and done is unacceptable and hurtful, I understand that now, and don't even know why I did it in the first place, it just felt funny and as if I was the person who was better, for once. Truth is, I admire you. I feel that your smarter, braver, stronger (emotionally), and better at reacting to situations. In every way, you are just... Better. And I guess I wanted to feel that way for once. I decided to hurt you to make me feel... Like I was more powerful. But I know I'll never be. I'm sorry.

You smiled. It seemed that France had some sort of emotion and knowing of what was right and wrong. Maybe staying with him wasn't as bad as you may have first thought it to be...

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