Pandora Hearts- Gilbert Nightray X Reader

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(Y/n)'s pov


"What's your name?" A ten year old version of you asked the black haired boy in front of you.

"Umm, Gilbert" he said, hesitantly, a tinge of panic entering his voice as he spoke. Somehow he seemed... Vulnerable.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Gilbert" you said, sticking out your hand for him to shake if he chose to, "I'm (y/n)!, but you can call me your friend from one onwards," a smile was plastered to your face.

Gilbert took your hand and replied: "you can call me Gil... Friend,"

You giggled and pecked him on the cheek before running off saying; "see you around Gil!"

Gil blushed and placed a hand on the cheek you just kissed before being called by Oz and running to assistance.

10 years later...


"Gil!!!" You screamed and jumped on him from behind. He was talking to Oz and Alice- whom he called, stupid rabbit.

He fell to the floor after the impact "it's good to see you to (y/n)," he mumbled.

"Oh, sorry Gil," you sad before giving him a hand up. You looked toward the floor.

"Hey," he said while placing a hand on your shoulder and bringing you into a hug. "It's good to see you after so long."

You hugged back hesitantly and closed your eyes, letting the moment sink in. Gilbert Nightray was definitely not the type to hand out free hugs to any old passerby on the street. In fact, this may just be the first time he'd ever hugged you.

Of course, being the loud soul he is, Oz had to ruin the moment. He clapped Gil on the shoulder, "well it looks like Gil and (y/n) finally hot together while I was lost in the abyss." He smirked and laughed as Gil pulled an annoyed look.

"Oz we are not together," Gilbert muttered, pulling away from me and walking up to his master.

"Well you should be," he started, oh no, where's this going... "You obviously love eachother."

Me and Gil blushed. It was true that you loved Gil. You just didn't know if he'd love you back.

"Oz," you began, "if anyone's together here it's you and the rabbit." you said.

"Haha, no," his hand went behind his head as a deep blush appeared on his face. "It's obvious by the look on your face that you love him (y/n)." What if Gil didn't like you back? What if Gil left you? Your friendship would be ruined.

"Besides," Oz said, "Gil told me himself that he lov..." Gil placed a hand over Oz 's mouth before he could continue.

"Shut up," he stated simply.

Without warning, it had started to rain. Naturally, Oz squirmed out of Gilbert's grip and ran inside to the warmth of the fire, dragging Alice along behind him.

"Look," Gil stuttered, a blush on us face, "what Oz said..."

"Is it true?" You said, looking down. There was a glimmer of hope in my words.

"Yes, " he turned to walk away, but you hugged him from behind.

"Don't leave me..." You whispered.

He froze, "(y/n)..."

"I love you." You stated.

Gil turned around and hugged you, his head resting on yours because he was that little bit taller. "I love you too," he said, and pulled away slightly for you to find his lips brushing over yours. Immediately you kissed back, his hands resting on your hips as your fingers and arms entwined around his neck. You pulled away.

"Does this mean were together?" You asked. Gil just pulled you back for your lips to meet his and you took that as your answer...

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