Pokemon- N x Reader

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(Y/n)'s pov


"Hey where are you?" You called out to your lost pokemon, "come on, it's getting late and we should head home!" But still no reply.

"Zorua, please..." You called one final time to your pokemon, which was, in fact, a zorua. It seemed a small, fun game of hide at seek with her seemed to be taking a turn for the worse. Somebody could've taken her. After all, a zorua wasn't the easiest pokemon to come by, and you could probably count the ones you've met in your lifetime on one hand alone. And it wasn't like you could just put her in her poke ball either, thing is, she didn't have one, the thought of a small, cramped space didn't appeal to you or her at all. So, naturally, you kept her out at all times. And the happy life of freedom for her made you regret your decision rarely. But you had to admit, now was one of those times when you really did rethink about the issue.

Then again, some time alone made you think of him. The boy, who would now be a man, wherever he was, always stayed on your mind. Truth was, he never left. The boy who you loved dearly, and made a promise to. That promise was that you'd always be together. The day you promised this just happened to be your last together.

Thing was, this boy was the master of team plasma himself, N. You'd both been friends since a young age when he'd seen you protect a pokemon from harm, and naturally, being the kind soul he was, he helped you. A few years later, when you were around seven, you made that promise, and he promised you that he'd stay with you too. Though, back then, you were only children, and didn't know the true scale of what the promise meant, and only said it for friendship. But now you realised that he meant much more.

"Zorua!" You shouted, hoping once again to gain her attention. N also gave you Zorua, which he possessed the brother of. Well, you say possessed, but, very much like yours, his had no poke ball either. You wished you could see him again. It was after team plasma whisked him away for ten years that you couldn't even hope to hear his voice just once more.

A light tug at the bottom of your trousers brought you back to your senses.

"Zorua?" You questioned, looking down to see that mischievous smirk down at your feet.

You sighed in relief. "Zorua I... Wait!" She'd run off again... But gave a minute to look back at you and gesture you to follow.

So you followed. Through trees, bushes, mud and twigs, you followed your pokemon. Whatever she wanted you to see, it must've been important. Eventually, you came to an opening to which you stumbled into ungracefully, bumping into a figure as you did.

You quickly apologised, "I'm so sorry sir I..." You paused as you looked up into green orbs. They were unmistakeable, you'd recognise them anywhere.

"(Y/n)?" You heard a deep voice question.

You looked up at him and took in his features. His green eyes, and hair which matched the colour, slightly messy, as it had been all those ten years ago. His sense of style and clothing hadn't changed much, though that was the N you remember, not caring what others thought of him as long as his friends were safe.

"N," you breathed, and moved straight in to hug him. Your arms wrapped tightly around him, almost clinging as a child would to their mother, but no, you loved him.

"I missed you so much," he started, "I'm so sorry, I..."

You placed a finger to his lips to silence him, pulling away slightly "it's ok," you began and hugged him once again, "you're here now... And that's all that matters." Whatever was going on between the two of you then and what you must've looked like seemed funny to Zorua, who was standing next to another of her species...

"No," you whispered, breaking your embrace with N, "it can't be,"

N placed a hand in the back of his head, he was taller now, that was for sure. "It is,"

"Zorua's brother," you began, N just nodded. "So that's how we found eachother, Zorua lead me here as if there was something to see and..."
"I love you." He blurted out.
"What?" You asked, peering into his emerald eyes.
"I said," he took a sharp intake of breath, "I love you," N looked to the ground, expecting defeat, "I always have..."

You smiled, "I love you too,"
N sighed in relief, and embraced you, all the more tightly.

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