Chapter 20 ~ What's Up? - I can't anymore...

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Victorias Pov.

But who would believe Potter, "the boy who lies".
"As I said, it's none of your business, Potter!" I said now, exasperated.
Suddenly Potter reached out and slapped me in the face.
Again and again he hit me.  Again and again because I didn't answer him.
I felt a blow to my collarbone and was pushed backwards.
“How does it feel to be alone?  Maybe you want to answer us now. ", Potter sneered in my direction and with that I got another slap in the face. I stumbled back a bit and held my nose, which was bleeding profusely and made me taste a metallic taste on my lip  .
Now Weasley stepped forward and punched me hard in the stomach so that I fell to the floor, panting.
I propped myself up with my hands and met Potter's eyes aggressively.
"You won't get anything from me," I said, grinning maliciously.
Out of nowhere, I was slapped one more time in the face.
This time it was Neville Longbottom who hit my eye hard with his fist.
I felt one last kick in the back before I heard footsteps moving away.
I got up as best I could and braced myself on the wall, desperately trying to get hold of her.  My stomach ached and my back didn't feel particularly good either, but otherwise I was only bleeding from my face.
I finally got up and tried to get into the washrooms while leaning on the wall.
Nobody comes here at this time, especially not in this part of the castle.

I looked in the mirror but immediately averted my gaze.
I looked like shit.
Deep circles under the eyes, even paler skin than usual, and scratches or wounds everywhere.
I lifted my shirt, my face pained with pain.
I looked at my stomach or my whole upper body, which was free.
I had become very thin so you could see my ribs clearly.  I looked awful.
The only color that graced my skin were the blue and purple tones of the bruises I carried away.

I washed and cleaned my wounds as best I could.
I didn't want them to be seen straight away, for everyone to think I was weak.
I could of course have gone to Madame Pomfrey's in the hospital wing, but I didn't want to allow Potter that success.
I knew full well that word would get around, soon everyone will know that Potter had really caught me and beaten me up this time, if it hadn't already been.

The way to the great hall was visibly difficult for me, I wasn't really hungry, but there was always an attendance at dinner, regardless of whether it was breakfast, lunch or dinner.
I took a deep breath, swallowed the pain and entered the great hall, which then became very quiet.
Nobody tinkled with the cutlery anymore, talked animatedly with their classmates and the teachers fell silent too.
Everyone stared at me, the Gryffindors grinning maliciously, the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws indifferent, and the Slytherins a little worried.
The teachers also gave me similar looks.
When the teachers turned away again and started eating and talking again, the students also began to pick up where they had left off and ignored me again, except for the golden trio, who were still throwing skeptical and angry looks at me  .
I ignored them and made my way to the Slytherin house table.
I purposely sat a little apart from the others and therefore earned confused looks, only Blaise and Draco were rather sad and disappointed.
I didn't eat or drink anything.
I also had problems not grimacing too much from the pain ..
And so I sat there for half an hour until the dessert was cleared and Dumbledore got up, whereupon the last conversations fell silent.

"Quiet, I ask for quiet.
Thanks very much!
Hopefully everyone will listen to me now that we have been fed and watered.
Again we made it part of the year.
Tomorrow night, many of you will be driving home to your loved ones, but before the Hogwarts Express leaves tomorrow, the last Quidditch game of the year will take place, Gryffindor versus Slytherin.  Everything you have learned you will banish from your heads again, so that we can fill them with knowledge again after the holidays.
Nevertheless, I advise the fifth and seventh graders to take a look at a textbook even during the holidays, as the ZAG and UTZ exams are coming up for you soon.
For the rest of the people who are going home, happy holidays and for those who stay here, the same applies of course.
And now, off to bed, good night. "

After Dumbledore had finished, everyone got up at the same time and walked quickly towards the exit, as many of them hadn't packed yet, they were now getting stressed.
I waited until everyone was outside and then slowly made my way to the Slytherin common room as well.
Since I didn't have to pack, I could go straight to my dormitory.
I went into the bathroom, sat with my back to the wall and tried to hold back tears.
As I stretched, I cried out in pain.
My back was killing me.
Only I hadn't considered that I wasn't alone in the room, because Parkinson asked carefully, “Hey Victoria, are you okay? Should I get someone? "
I did not answer.
Parkinson was now knocking desperately with my other roommates on the bathroom door.
"Victoria, open the door immediately!", But I didn't move.
I heard steps moving away, but coming back a few minutes later.
Only this time there were several.
"Where is she?" I heard an all-too-familiar voice ask.
"In the bathroom, she won't open the door.", Parkinson replied out of breath, sounding as if she had just run.
“Victoria, open the door, please.  Let me help you.” I still didn't do anything.
"Alohomora," the ice prince said sternly and opened the door.
He came up to me and took me in his arms and rocked me slightly back and forth.
"What's going on?" Draco asked me, looking carefully at me.
"I can't anymore..." I answered him with a trembling voice.

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