Tenko X Self Harming! Reader

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TW: Self Injury, mentions of death, details of wounds, suicidal thoughts
this is kind of a vent chapter, heavy angst
If you ever find yourself struggling with any of these things please do your best to reach out, you're worth It, and no matter what your brain may be telling you, you are good enough, if you ever need someone to talk to my DM's are always open.

LGBT National Youth Talk 1-800-246-7743
USA National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453

You opened your eyes, you were still tired, wasn't it just hilarious? You slept through the entire night, but yet you were still tired, and no matter what you'd have done you'd just stay tired, maybe there wasn't left anything left to you in this world... you thought.

After all nobody really cared about you, you'd just be another dead person in this killing game, would they even need a trial if you killed yourself? you kept asking yourself.. *useless* *nobody would even cry* that's what your thoughts told you.

Everyone was probably already in the dining hall, but would they even care if you weren't there for breakfast? They wouldn't, why would they..
You're just a miserable, good for nothing person, you should have died, not Kaede, not anyone..

Suddenly an image flashed before your eyes, and before you knew it you were taken back into the scene of Kaede's execution, the way that they just used her living body to play some stupid song, the way that she was concious for most of It before her neck had snapped from the pressure, they used her body to play that stupid song for hours.. for hours she'd been concious and that image was stuck in your mind, your breath was getting heavy and your head kept pounding before you just couldn't handle It.

You want It to stop, you desperately want to get that image out of your head no matter what, the reality of your classmate having been alive not too long ago crushed you, you want it to stop.

*stop It stop It stop It stop It stop It get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head* you kept thinking, hitting yourself over your head repeatedly, you just wanted the flashback to stop, you just wanted the thoughts to stop.. no matter what.

You frantically began searching through all your drawers, you could barely see through your tears before you found it, your trusty box cutter, you stared at the blade, you made sure to keep it sharp.
You rolled up your sleeves and looked at your bare arm that was littered with scars, you pressed the box cutter blade against it, and sliced with slight hesitance, the wound filled with blood but you didn't care, it wasn't enough, soon you sliced once again, and again going at an even faster pace, blood was now all over your arm, dripping on your bed but you didn't care, you kept slicing, faster and faster, deeper, it wasn't enough, soon you switch ed to your other arm and your thigh, you didn't care, they would be covered with your skirt anyway, you winced, this time it was a lot deeper than you had expected and the blood just kept pouring and wouldn't stop
"Fuck!" you cursed, it hurt a lot more than any of the other cuts
But then you realised It, the flashback had stopped.

You put back the box cutter into your drawer, and tried to tame the bleeding with a blanket, you had made a mess, but you didn't care, you just wanted to go back to sleep, that's when you heard the bell and someone yelling from behind your door
"Wake up! We got you breakfast"
*we?.. oh no.. ohnonono*
You started panicking, but you realised that as rude as it seemed you could just ignore them.

You waited for the ringing to stop, and then you saw the door slowly open
*i forgot to lock it..please don't.. i'm sorry.. *
You closed your eyes tightly and prepared yourself for the yelling
"YN! Me and Tojo K- what's going on?! Are you okay?!" you heard a girl you recognize as Chabashira Tenko yell
"I'm going to go get some medical supplies, stay with her!" Tojo Kirumi, the ultimate maid yelled
You opened your eyes to Chabashira Tenko by your side, hugging you carefully as to not cause you any further pain
"I-why?" you mumbled out, you did
didn't deserve to be hugged by someone as amazing as her, and you were still bleeding, so.. why, did she not care about getting her clothes dirty?

"Because you're an amazing person and you really mean a lot to me, i'm sorry, i don't know what to do in these situations but it hurts seeing you like this" Tenko said,  genuine worry in her voice
"Now... please could you tell me why you did that? I want to be able to help you.. "
"I.. i don't want anyone else to die.. i can't take it! I feel so useless because i know that i can't do anything to stop any of it, and maybe if i just killed myself i'd somehow be able to stop the killing game, someone as useless as me doesn't deserve to live anyway, it should have been me! " You yelled, tears pouring out your eyes
Tenko seemed taken aback by your sudden outburst
But she hugged you, she took you into her arms, and It made you feel safe for some reason
" Please don't call yourself useless, i might not know what's exacly going on in your head, but i care about you, maybe even more so than i care about anyone else.. everything will be okay, i won't let anyone else get hurt" she said, her voice filled with worry, but also hope and determination
"Do you.. p-romise?" i said with a stutter
"i promise"
She said as she pressed her lips onto yours "You really mean a lot to me Y/N"

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