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Hola creta. so you've been asking me about whats wrong with me and you wanted to know what keeps bothering me for the past week and days and you also wanted to know about what you did wrong. To be honest, you did nothing wrong and im telling the truth. As promised, i said ill tell you whats bothering me for the past week and yeah im writing this at 2:36 am at the moment and im planning to send you this instantly so it wont go akward in the morning LOL. before i tell you whats wrong with me, lets know about you first bro, how are you? what time are you reading this at? have you eaten? hows life? hows your day? hows your family? how are you feeling? how are you so pretty? are you mad? are you sad? are you sick? are you feeling well? are you happy? how was your exam and classes? im hoping to see your answers in the morning <3. Back to the point of whats wrong with me and whats bothering for the past week is that I'm Jealous. i know its stupid, i know its not that big of a deal, i know its dumb, and i know its dumb but please forgive me i know that were not dating anymore but i cant help but feeling jealous.I'm going to be honest in these messages and i have alot of things im jealous of. Im jealous of how rey is so brave in talking to you. Im jealous of how rey has the courage to vc you. Im jealousof rey bc of how brave he is to sing in the vc while you in it. Im jealous of rey bc how smooth his voice is. Im jealous of rey bc of how cool he is. Im jealous of how much he has done things to you that i cant do. Im jealous of ryu but not in a bad way. Im jealous of ryu bc he has the courage to talk to you in a weird way. im jealous ryu bc u always talk about him (i dont mind about this anymore). Im insecure of how i look, on how i talk, on how i type, on how my english is, on how my voice is, on how i play, on how im literally suicidal, on how my life is breaking apart. i do noticed your status creat. i noticed it from a long time ago. i dont know if all the bad thing is for me but if it was im sorry if i treated you wrong. remember when i cleared my friendlist? i sent you a friend request and i saw your status so i thought you'd be happy without me in your life so i retake the friend request, yes i do notice the "you dont even say it back anymore :(" im sorry if i dont say i love you back im just really shy, im not used to people saying "i love you" to me. and yes i do notice the tagalog words, i would take time out of my day just to translate the tagalogs and it said some not good things. yes i do notice the chat youve been talking in the past, dont know if "the boy" reffers to me or not but if it does, im truly sorry if i hurted you. Im sorry if i acted diffrent lately . im also sorry if i dont take hints from you. im sorry if the playlist i made is bad, im sorry if i annoy you, im sorry if im not goodlooking, im sorry if we broke up and im sorry if it hurted you. im sorry that dont treat you the same as before, im sorry if i dont send pictures too often, im sorry if i dont send voice messages, im sorry if i ever made you feel worthless. Im sorry if i disturvbed your life, im sorry i didnt buy you the vp on your birthday, im sorry if i didnt get you anything for your birthday i would try to make it up to you, im sorry if i talked to you when u were in class, im sorry for almost demoting you in valorant , im sorry if i ever made u mad or sad, i dont have any intentions to do those things. im sorry if this message is too cringy. im sorry if i dont talk too often, im sorry if im too dumb,im sorry if i dont take hints, im sorry if i bodyblock you, im sorry if i ever made you feel embarrassed, im sorry for not talking to you every now and then, i just think that you talking to me would be a waste of your time. im sorry if i did anything to you, im sorry if i dont make you happy anymore, im sorry if i ruin your day, i always i dont know if you mean it everything you said on your status, but i understand if you want me gone. Im sorry if i sent you this too late. Please keep talking to rey and ryu, i want you to get along more with him and rey and we could be a squad with yamin in it. it sucks that i cant play comp with you guys but im going to demote as soon as i can. im happy that youre happy atleast i do that much for you. Seeing you happy is already good enough for me. Im sorry for everything. i would try my best to improve my actions and trying to act normal again. Goodnight or Goodmoring, depends on what time youre reading this. I love you. (sorry for typos and bad grammar)

Wednesay, 15th September, 2021
started: 2:30 am
ended: 3:40 am

Messages i wish i had the balls to sent LOLWhere stories live. Discover now