public humiliation and a kick in the dick.

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"am i pretty enough to fucking die?"

here you were, sorting vitamins for a bunch of orphans. it had absolutely nothing to do with painting or suicide, just you trying to be a good person. kids weren't really your thing, but you did genuinely care about children. they weren't something you enjoyed being around too much, but someone had to care about these kids.

it wasn't a regular orphanage, instead it was children who had illnesses or disabilities. no one really wanted the kids, in all honesty. not all of them were going to live very long, so apparently people didn't see the point in adopting them. but that wasn't the thing you should be focusing on, no, you still had to figure out how the hell you got here.

it couldn't have been more than five minutes ago when you were a whole ass adult, now you were suddenly fifteen again. much too real to be a dream, but much too impossible to be real. definitely a conundrum you were in now, the kids yelling behind you didn't give you much of a chance to solve anything now, though. "f/n-nii! aki is tryin' to steal my crayons again!" ah, aki and kai, they must be five in the current timeline.

whichever timeline you were even in, that is. that'd make them seventeen in the future, if they lived that long anyways. they were twins, brother and sister who both had sickle cell anemia. if you recalled correctly, it had been passed down from their mother. sighing, you placed the bottle of vitamins you were holding down. "alright, alright. can't you guys share the crayons? you share a damn bloodline, but you cross the line at a couple colored pieces of wax?"

maybe you weren't the best guardian for a bunch of kids, you didn't have a very kind mouth. though, you did teach them what they needed to know, like self defense and confidence. couple kids might scream cuss words, but it was more important to you that they knew their worth and how to protect themselves. you heard kai huff behind you, turning as he plopped himself down on the floor. "fine! but only cause f/n-nii asked."

okay, maybe another one of the important things you taught them was that you were in charge. whoops. most of the other kids were napping, but a couple roamed the room coloring and reading. they were good kids, they really were. "f/n! n-need your help!" the voice rapidly coming towards you stuttered out, panting for air. "hm? takemichi? what're you doing here?" ah, you forgot how much of a loser your cousin was. the blonde in front of you was panting, his clothes were messy, and it almost seemed like he was on the verge of tears.

"gotta help! kiyomizu masataka- and, and- hina could die! yamamoto, and akkun! everyone's gonna get hurt! please help me, please!" well, that was a strange greeting. it was so weird, you didn't talk to takemichi very often, not as an adult at least. it was almost strange to be talking to him again, realizing just how much you knew about him. hina was his girlfriend, and yamamoto and akkun were his friends, you knew that much. wasn't till now you realized you had never met any of them.

kiyomizu, you recognized his name as well. not from your cousin, no, apparently this guy had quite the reputation. not a good one, perse, but he was well known nonetheless. picking on anyone he deemed weaker than him, a total asshat as you had been told. and now he was messing with your family? it definitely wasn't your job to protect takemichi, he was only a grade under you, but something about the desperation in his voice really broke you down.

you'd have to do some research on this kiyomizu guy. the crybaby hero was just as desperate as you made him out to be. as he gripped your shoulders, trying to get you to help him, the words from naoto tachibana rang in his head.

"is there anyone you know? someone who's good at fighting? at least, good enough to get you tied to the tokyo manji gang."

you really were the strongest person he knew. well, in a way. you could totally pin down people twice your size, and it was always insane to him. you definitely weren't some sort of macho man, it honestly didn't seem humanly impossible. fighting wasn't really something you did very often, you always had a knack for pissing people off with words instead.

for your sake, he really hoped you'd pick to just knock kiyomizu out.

"right, um, o-kayy..? i'll just take your word for this one." you weren't sure which word you were taking, none of them really made sense. no more words were exhanged while he yanked you away, dragging you along behind him. hopefully an employee would take the hint, it'd be best that the kids had some supervision. his speed never faltered, it was almost hurtful, even his panting seemed so sad. but god, you hated running.

it didn't take too terribly long for you to arrive at takemichi's school, a group of boys filled some steps outside, chanting down to two boys on the floor. one of them had a menacing look on his eyes, the other seemed nervous. was this some sort of fight club? you were dragged up the back by the blonde, he stopped with three other boys. a short one with glasses, a black haired one with terrible hair, and one with a purple pompadour. part of you kinda hoped these weren't his friends.

as gently as you could, you pulled your arm away from takemichi. "gimme a sec, i gotta make a call. promise, i'll help with whatever you need, hold on, kay?" you walked away before he could respond, phone in hand. this was a good idea, definitely. maybe you'd get your ass kicked, that was always part of the fun. it's not like you had enough self control to stop yourself, though. something about hurting bad people, those who targeted people weaker than them, it was so satisfying. sometimes, idiots need to be punished.

and sometimes those punishments just had to include public humiliation and a kick in the dick.

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