a broken arm and another argument.

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"i'll tell you that i love you then i'll tear your world apart."

you were thrown to the side, it was shocking that your neck wasn't broken. your head was bleeding, not from being punched but from when it harshly hit the floor. "so, who is this bitch?" you'd kill him. you'd kill him for trying to hurt takemichi, for being willing to hurt yuzuha and hina, you'd kill him for being such a 'oooh big strong muscles i'm so cool look at me or else i'll kill your wife!' what a fucking whore. "wow, didn't know who she was and still clobbered her? nice one, boss. that blonde's a toman captain, and she's some toman member." that cause taiju to burst into a fit of laughter. "that weak ass? no way he's a toman captain. a captain wouldn't let some measley member protect him, let alone a girl! god, toman's getting weak." god, he's one to talk. "i'm serious, some of hakkai's friends."

he kicked takemichi. you still were trying to gather up the strength to move. "so you brought some damn toman members into our family's home? even after i keep tryin' to convince you to join the black dragons?" he sighed, placing a hand on his head. "hakkai. beat 'em to death. take responsibility as a fellow toman member." you pushed yourself up, sitting straight with the help of your arms. "he didn't- he didn't know this was your territory. he really didn't. so.. please." you slowly made your way onto your knees, you'd stand up eventually. probably. "didn't you fuckin' hear my orders? you're my little brother, i come before toman. i'm your big brother, so you have to obey me. family bonds are more important than friends." you were on one knee, now, one foot planted firmly on the floor.

"taiju! don't corner him like that!" he punched her. he knocked his little sister to the ground. "yuzuha.. this is what happens when you don't discipline right. i'm going to teach you a lesson later." you pushed yourself to your feet, ignoring the dizziness. "tai-ju. i.. expected better. all brawn, no brain. have t' teach people like a four year old would, cause all you got is your physical strength, huh?" you looked up at him, glaring. he began walking towards you. "how i manage my family is none of your damn business. here, hakkai, let me take care of your problem for you." there was an old method for fighting you remembered. when someone threw a punch at you, you moved to the side while grabbing their wrist. you lift your foot to kick them, right in the middle of their arm, while holding the wrist, so the arm would snap in half.

so, as taiju's fist came towards you, you moved to the side. you grabbed his wrist. and you kicked your foot up.

you heard a couple people gasp as they watched their oh-so precious leader's arm bend the wrong way. your head was spinning. it was hot, too hot. you hear taiju scream, and you saw him bend down, but everything was so blurry. takemichi wasn't sure what to do. hina kept getting held back by yuzuha. "you bitch!" as the large man ran towards you, all you could do was stand there. you could feel his fist hitting your face, his foot hitting your stomach. but everything was so blurry. "taiju! stop!" he didn't stop. "hakkai, when you ask a favor you must have a favor in return. you want me to spare your friend, you'll have to offer me somethin' real good. if ya' don't, this is where she dies." part of you thought that'd be for the best. to die all bloodied and bruised, beautifully thrown about. but another part didn't want this scum bag to be responsible for your death. "i'll quit toman. and i'll join the black dragons."

suddenly, you were on the floor.

and suddenly, you were on hakkai's back. everything hurt. "f/n!" takemichi and hina both yelled out for you. "oh good, you're awake. thanks for what you did back there, having yuzuha's back. it was cool of you to try and protect all of us. taiju's pretty pissed though, you totally crushed his arm." but you just laughed, even though it was super painful. "w-what are you laughing at? did i say something wrong?" that only made you laugh harder. "no no, it's just- earlier you froze up when i talked to you, and now you're talking and carrying me like it's nothing!" hakkai was very easy to fluster. "that's not- you're hurt! plus it's not like i could just go without thanking you!" you laughed, resting your forehead on his shoulder. " 'm just teasing you, 'kai. don't be so tense." the nickname only flustered him more.

you fell asleep again.

you weren't sure why you were being dragged along to some meeting. especially when you were covered in bandages. "as you all know, takemitchy was threatened by the black dragons. he committed violence on takemitchy, even though he knew he was our first division captain." takemichi stopped him from continuing. "no, it wasn't me. they did threaten me, but f/n was the one he hurt." you inhaled, slapping him on the chest. "don't jus' go telling people that! he only won cause i was a little suicidal that day." you huffed, crossing your arms. "wait, n/n, he's the one who did that to you?" uh oh. mikey did not sound very happy about that. "we'll kill them"

"no, you won't. i'm not jus' gonna let you guys go up there and beat them up. if anyone's going to kill that guy, it'll be me. i can handle myself, thank you very much." you hated the thought of being weak. you always did. "you can't come in here saying that as if you aren't all beat up! you clearly can't." you scoffed stepping closer to him. "oh, really. so is that why you wanted me to join toman? cause poor wittle owe me would get so hurt without big strong men protecting me! is that what it is? you really think i'm just some weakling who can't defend themselves?" he furrowed his eyebrows at you. "don't put fucking words in my mouth. i'm trying to protect you here. i don't know why you're acting like this. plus, you just said you were a member of toman, so why the hell are you talking to your leader this way?"

"did it ever occur to you that i don't want your protection? or was your head too far up your ass to notice?" this time, it wasn't mikey to respond, instead a couple of the toman members. they complained at you for speaking to "boss" that way. "fine. i guess you shouldn't be my 'leader', then. give this stupid jacket to someone else, someone who won't burden you with their terrible weakness." you threw your jacket off, leaving it on the floor before walking out.

"i tried to ask! i called her and said 'we need your help' bit before i could even explain she said 'nope' and hung up!" hanma laughed, he wasn't surprised. "we'll have to go to her then." kisaki knew very well that you hated him. and hanma. and a lot of other people, you were a very hateful person. but taiju was one of those people. kisaki, chifuyu, hanma, and takemichi were going to take taiju down, and you'd join them.


takemichi was the one to timidly know on your door. he doubted you would hurt him, but you could be scary when you wanted to. you opened the door with a sigh, glancing at the four boys. "what." kisaki was the one to answer. "look, we need-" "no." and you closed the door. and then there was another knock. and another. and another. and another. you pulled the door open quite violently. "if you knock on my door one more fucking time i'll go get a knife from the kitchen and stab all of you." takemichi looked like he was going to piss himself, but hanma laughed. "woah, no need to get so feisty! you aren't even going to invite us in?" he stuck his head through the doorway, so on instinct you slammed the door. it hit his head, but bounced off before it could close. "listen, f/n-" chifuyu was a sweetie, but something about having to listen to people talk just set you off right now.

you were positive you were on the verge of an outburst.

"what, what is it? what's so goddamn important you just can't take no for an answer, huh?" god, why couldn't have taiju killed you? "i'm sorry, f/n. we need your help taking the black dragons down. hakkai's going to kill taiju!" you could honestly care less, even after seeing takemichi's clear desperation. "you can handle that yourself. 'ts not like i'm able to protect myself, so why would i be able to protect you guys." you closed the door, wandering back into your room.

maybe you needed more sleeping pills.

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