"As you can see Mr Jeon this place has everything you asked for, large airy rooms, skylights, high ceilings a studio for your artwork, the upstairs bedrooms lead onto a balcony ,en suites in all the rooms upstairs, kitchen fully equipped a veranda leading onto the garden and at the end steps leading to your beach area."
"And this is private?"
"Well as I mentioned before,there is the small property next door which used to belong to the owners of this house but they left it to the young man who looked after them in their later years, he owns the house attached garden and also access to the beach, as you saw only one road comes down here and it just leads to the two properties."
"Hmmmm,well I suppose I could buy it off him, I like my privacy....., right I'll buy it draw up the necessary paperwork ."
"As there is nothing to move out and the house is empty it shouldn't take long, so sad they died within days of each other in hospital,true romance,all money from the sale goes to the local orphanage,so you should be able to move in soon."
"Romantic, huh,old age I think,I mean why would someone leave a Carer some property,probably senile,probably not even legal,hmmm maybe I can get my lawyer to look into that."
Mr Hoseok the agent, smirked to himself, he was going for this sale pleased to get money for the orphanage, he was also friends with Jimin next door and knew everything was legal and above board as when the will was written the old man and his wife had got a doctor to certify that they were fit and able, both loving Jimin like a son for which he had been grateful, coming from the orphanage he'd never had parents or grandparents and the old couple had felt like family.
Mr Hoseok or Hobi as his friends called him looked at the male in front of him, very rich from his paintings, very dominant in his attitude and very much in the wrong if he thought he was getting the better of Jimin!Three weeks later, Jimin saw the coming and goings of builders and decorators next door the outside looked spick and span with a new coat of paint , wooden veranda recoated looking like new, he supposed the inside would be brightened up as well, all this could be seen from his bedroom balcony where he often sat , he missed the old couple, no one had been more surprised than him when a lawyer called to tell him of his inheritance, he'd stayed in this cosy home whilst caring for the couple, he loved the two bedroom home and garden, obviously not anything like the size of the house next door but his own cosy haven. He'd saved up a lot of money whilst living rent free so had furnished and decorated it to his liking, it was always a pleasure to come home from work and step into his home but he did wonder what his new neighbour would be like, he had received a letter from a lawyer asking if he'd be willing to sell up to his neighbour but had politely declined, Hobi had mentioned something about the male being an artist but he'd never heard of him but there again he didn't socialise in those sort of groups, he now worked in a small coffee shop,as he found he didn't want to do a carers job again as he got too attached to the people.
He heard a car race up the road next door and a car door slam, fifteen minutes later a knock came on his door.
Going to open it Jimin stared at the handsome man there who was looking around outside until he became aware of Jimin there.
Jungkook stared at the enticing male standing there, small in stature but with what looked like a figure to die for, the male stood smiling at him,"hello?" He said.
"Hi , I'm Jeon Jungkook," the male said looking like
he expected Jimin to know him, when he got no response he said," your neighbour,"
"Oh right, I'm Park Jimin, or just call me Jimin."
"Yes well.....I've come over as I understand from my lawyer that you declined my offer, I checked the market value and assure you it was a very reasonable offer,I will of course give you time to find new dwellings, so the sooner we can come to some arrangement the better don't you think?"
Jimin stared at the male, what an asshole he thought,clearly used to looking down on people and getting his own way.
"No," was all he said.
"No what, no you don't need time to find a new place, oh have you seen somewhere already , good."
"I mean no I'm not moving and have no plans to move ." Jimin said staring the other in the eyes.
Jungkook could feel himself getting frustrated," oh come on, you can't want to live here just because some old couple left it to you!you know it's probably not legal either,old couple leaving something to a Carer they were probably delusional, you should take my offer you know,"
Jimin felt his hands curl into fists," I said no and I mean it,goodbye !" He went to shut the door but an angry Jungkook put his foot in the way," well I tried you leave me no choice but to get my lawyers look up the legality of this!!"
"Knock yourself out!" Said a smirking Jimin before slamming the door shut.Two weeks later and Namjoon his Lawyer was watching his friend and client pace the floor of his new home," what do you mean I can't get that house?"
"Everything is above board and legal Jungkook , if he doesn't want to sell there is nothing you can do except try and get along ."
"Damn it!!" Yelled the frustrated male.
Namjoon smiled to himself , his friend was like a little kid when he couldn't get his own way, he'd really like to meet the boy who stood up to him.
"Why do you need that place anyway?"
"I just do, I don't want anyone around but he's there and he has access to my beach as well!!"
Jungkook pouted, how dare that small male refuse him didn't he know who he was!

The man next door
ФанфикRich Jeon Jungkook is used to having his own way, so when he finds his perfect house he wants it but doesn't want a neighbour, so the obvious thing is to buy that property as well right?.......wrong!