It was two days til Jungkooks party.Jimin wasn't sure if he should go but then thought it would look more peculiar if he didn't .
He sighed, today he felt on edge, he felt like he was waiting for something bad to happen and couldn't shake the feeling.
He kept himself busy going for a thorough cleaning spree, wiping every viewable surface.
"Jimin get off that stepladder, you know your not good on things like that!"
Jimin turned suddenly when hearing Jin yell at him, of course he lost his balance and started falling but a pair of hands caught him, of course it had to be Jungkook.
"T-thank you....ha your always having to save me,sorry"
"No problem Jimin," he slid the boy down his body hearing a little gasp from the plump lips.
"Erm, thanks again," he ran to the back of the cafe leaving Jin to clear up the stepladder,"sorry Jungkook I shouldn't of shouted at him when he was on a ladder, honestly I don't know what's got into him today, he seems out of sorts just keeping himself really busy."
Jungkook turned to see where Jimin had gone, but he had hidden out in the room behind the counter,"can I have a caramel macchiato to go, I've got a few last minute touches to the paintings for the exhibition,"
"It's being held not far from here isn't it?"
"Yes, it's where several artists send in canvases with a theme word, this year it's emotions."
"Namjoon has asked me to go with him, do you mind?"
"Of course not, you will probably find the art good but the people boring,Erm if I give another ticket to Namjoon can you take Jimin?"
"Of course, he did say he'd like to see more of your work."
Jin made Jungkooks drink and waved him off.
Jimin was now at a loose end, everything clean and the rush of lunchtime customers over, now just the slow turnover, he went to stand outside, the fresh air waking him up a bit, from the corner of his eye he caught a movement, looking he saw a figure in a cap and mask turning,a shiver ran down his spine before he laughed it off he was getting like Jin imagining everyone was an attacker !!
Going back to his work he smiled at the customers and tried to be in a cheerful mood.
The nights were drawing in, he had been waiting at the bus stop for his bus, checking his phone for any news story, he knew if he looked up he'd see Jin standing in the doorway of the cafe waiting to see him get on the bus.
The bus came he waved to Jin getting onto the bus, head down as he got a seat and played a game as the other passengers got on. As the bus pulled out he looked again towards the cafe to see Jin running and waving madly, silly boy he thought.
As the bus went along he found that he knew why Jin had done that ,
"Hello cutie,"
Jimin froze at the voice, glancing behind him to see the two people from the coffee shop sitting there. He went to get up and move , but they pressed down on his shoulder,"oh no cutie, your staying with us, we had to wait a while your friends have been annoyingly around you,"
Jimin was thinking what he could do,Jin had seen them hopefully he could contact the police,who else? He covertly scrolled down his numbers ringing Jungkook and leaving it open so he would hear at least it would be proof.
Jungkook was admiring his finished paintings, he was very pleased with them but that could be because of the subject, his phone rang, glancing at it he saw it was Jimin he picked it up to say hello but then realised by listening something was wrong he listened and pressed record all the while running to his car.
"So cutie pie, as you made us wait we are going to do so many bad things to you,"
"Leave me alone the police know who you are!"
"Do you think we care, we like the thrill the more dangerous the better."
"Your sick,"
"Aw, look what you made me do to your pretty face,"
His friend started to put his hands around Jimins neck squeezing," come on cutie beg us to stop,"
By this other people on the bus were noticing, one man came up demanding they leave Jimin alone , but backed off when one of them pulled out a knife,
" I suggest you get off at the next stop and the rest of you, and driver don't let anyone else on," the bigger male said.
The driver pulled into the stop and passengers scrambled off ,Jimin could see them reach for phones hopefully to call the police.
The driver stared in his rear view mirror scared," hey drive on no more stops until we say!"
Driving off the driver kept glancing at the poor boy being victimised.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because we can and a little thing like you is easy to use," one said dragging him off his seat and pulling him in front of him,"his hands started to roam under Jimins top,Jimin clenched his fist then punched out catching the male in the stomach,"
"Your gonna pay for that," the aggressive male twisted Jimins arm up behind his back the other arm across his neck, his friend then came and ripped Jimins shirt from top to bottom, leaning in too painfully pinch Jimins nipples, Jimin struggled yelling at the men and kicking his knee up catching the male where it hurts but earning a punch in the stomach.
Sirens were heard and the bus came to a halt the driver taking his chance and running off.
The two males looked out the window seeing police cars surround the bus." Shit, well we can't give up now, we have a hostage we will be ok."
They pulled Jimin in front of them getting off the bus knife still in their hand.
Jimin stared at the chaos around him he heard cars screech and Jungkook and Jimin dash up only to be held back by police.
"Back off or we hurt him,"
"Give up now you are surrounded, don't make things worse."
The men looked at each other, one was holding Jimin by his arm, the other waving the knife about.
Jimin had had enough, he wasn't going to be the victim anymore he would show these thugs. He watched carefully then as the one with the knife turned to face the police he smashed back his elbow into the other one making him let go and double over in pain, Jimin started to run the other male turning quickly and slashing with the knife which just caught Jimins arm but Jimin kept on running , finally collapsing to the ground as police surrounded him and the two men.
Jimin heaved in breaths panic only now settling in, "JIMIN,!" Two males pushed through and bent to the small male.
He turned to Jungkook trying to raise a smile," I saved myself this time, didn't I ?"
"JIMIN,look at your arm !" A worried Jin said .
Jimin who had groggily got up to stand up next to the two friends , looked down to see blood covering his arm,"oops "he said faintly before he passed out in Jungkooks arms.

The man next door
FanfictionRich Jeon Jungkook is used to having his own way, so when he finds his perfect house he wants it but doesn't want a neighbour, so the obvious thing is to buy that property as well right?.......wrong!