Jimin stretched and yawned, slowly opening his eyes, wow he felt like he'd slept for hours! The room came into view properly and at first he wondered where he was, then remembering earlier with Jungkook he sat up , how long had he slept he'd told Jungkook he would only be a little while, he was going to call his friends see if they would come and celebrate his real birthday, maybe he could ask Jungkook too as a thank you.
Slipping out of bed he looked around, seeing a clock, he looked then looked again, it was 6.45! He'd been asleep for hours!! Jungkook would probably be annoyed at him using his house for this long...., he looked around searching for his clothes and saw them washed and folded on the nearby chair. He quickly washed his face , dampening down his hair to stop the just woke up look and dressed.
Leaving the room he made his way downstairs thinking to find Jungkook thank him and leave.
He heard voices so walked towards where they were coming from, realising as he did so that he recognised them.
Jimin looked around the large kitchen where all his and Jungkooks friends were gathered around a large breakfast bar , beer bottles in their hands."Thank god, I thought you would never wake up!" Jungkook said, smiling at the boy who stood with his mouth open.
"Great now the guest of honour is here can we eat?" Said Suga.
Everyone laughed, " what's all this?" Jimin asked gesturing at the food and pile of gifts on the table.
"Well, now we finally have the right day we can celebrate properly."
"But you've always celebrated with me?"
"But on he wrong day!!I knew it wasn't your birthday but we played along."
"You knew?"
"Of course, your references,Duh !!"
Jimin blushed,"s-sorry,"
"Well all good now , come on open your prezzies,when Jungkook rang me about having a party here we all had to rush to get you something so don't expect a lot,"Jin grinned.
"You didn't have to get anything it's enough your here, and thank you Jungkook," he said smiling at his neighbour.
"Yer and you thought he was an arsehole," Hobi said without thinking, he then put his hand over his mouth realising what he had said.
"Oh he is," Tae said, grinning at his friend, who slapped his arm,"hey!"
Jimin grinned,then went to the small pile of presents,first was one from Suga,a cat plushie ,"so you don't get lonely at night,"
"What about if he has his boyfriend stay over,?" Namjoon asked innocently.
Hobi,Suga and Jin burst out laughing," our Jimin is as pure as the driven snow , for all his devilish dance moves and come hither looks," Jin said.
"Hush up you traitors," a red faced Jimin said.
"Jesus, how come, you look so fuckable," Tae said much to Jungkooks annoyance, he had been shocked at the news sure that Jimin was not a virgin.
"Tae,leave him alone."
Jimin grabbed another present ,it said from Namjoon and it was an expensive aftershave with subtle undertones not overpowering ." Wow thank you, this is so kind of you, I love this smell,"
Namjoon nodded.
Tae's present came next it was a beautiful leather wallet, which was admired and thanked for. Hobi had brought Jimin a new shirt, knowing his friend liked fashion. Jin had supplied all the food knowing Jimins favourite dishes. Lastly came the gift from Jungkoo ,it was flat and Jimin curiously opened it,gasping when he saw what was inside.A charcoal drawing of Jimin dancing,it was beautiful, ...he looked beautiful,he was in loose trousers and shirt caught in a move arm upwards leg outstretched, caught in the moment, the picture had even got a frame and was signed by Jungkook.
"Wow! All his friends exclaimed over the picture.
"How did you..when did you?"
"I drew it today while you were asleep,I Erm , saw you dancing in your garden once, I remembered how graceful you were....and no I wasn't stalking you,I had been sat on my balcony and you came out, the music caught my attention, I have a photographic memory so it was easy to do and I keep frames etc in my studio, it's not much but I hope you like it."
Jimin looked up tearfully,"I love it," looking at his friends he said snootily," I am now the proud owner of a Jikook original!"
Everyone laughed then," so we can eat now?" Suga said whining.
Everyone tucked in the night was spent eating and drinking, then dancing which caused a lot of merriment,Jimin was surprised at how good a dancer Jungkook was,while Jungkook couldn't believe that the boy dropping in slut drops was as innocent as he'd been told.
Jimin stood outside in the cool night air looking at the starry night,Jungkook wandered out onto the veranda,"so...you ok?"
"I'm more than ok,thank you for doing all this and for earlier today."
"Your welcome Jimin."
"So.........,you say you weren't stalking me,huh?"
"That's right,I just happened to see you."
"Well the only time you could have done that since you've been here was the night you said about my loud music,"
"Yep, that's it,"
"But I know I wasn't dancing in those clothes,"
Jungkook realised he'd been caught but brazened it out," no you weren't but I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted me to draw you in what you were wearing?" he smirked at the other.
Jimin hit his arm then turned to stalk off but Jungkook grabbed him pulling him to his chest he bent down to the small boys ear,"I'm good at drawing the naked body too if your interested, he bit the small boys ear before sauntering back to the others, leaving a red faced Jimin standing there before he too made his way back in.
"Let's play spin the bottle,"Tae yelled.
They sat in a circle,Jimin spun it and it landed on Namjoon," truth or dare?"
Jimin sniggered," I dare you to kiss the one you fancy most here!"
Namjoon blushed then determinedly made his way round the circle til he got to Jin, tipping Jins head back he bent down and pecked his lips gently going back to his seat in the circle,smiling at the blushing Jin.
Namjoon spun the bottle it landed on Suga,"truth or dare?"
"Hmmm,have you ever slept with more than one person at the same time?" He joked
"Of course," the easy going Suga said bringing giggles from Jimin who knew what his friend was like and didn't judge him.
Suga spun the bottle,"ah,Jungkook truth or dare?"
Sugars grin was evil as he looked around the circle before nodding to himself," I dare you to kiss jimin, tongues and all!"
Jimin gasped,"Suga don't be si..."
He was brought to a halt by a pair of arms hauling him to him and a pair of lips passionately kissing him biting his bottom lip seeking entrance, Jimins senses went into overdrive as he found himself returning the kiss wanting more.the two were brought back down to earth by loud whoops and claps. Jimins face was red and he stood up,"Erm it's late let's clean up and leave Jungkook in peace." Amid moans and groans the others helped clear up and started to leave.
Jungkook couldn't wait for them to go, that kiss had made him want more,he wanted to kiss the boy again, but his plans were thwarted when Hobi announced they would walk Jimin home then Jin could drive the rest of them as he hadn't drunk because of driving.
Jimin gathered his stuff, thanking Jungkook with his eyes down on the floor, then Jin and Hobi walked him across to the gap in the fence seeing him safely inside before returning back and along with the rest of them climbed into Jins car and drive off,
"Cockblockers," jungkook muttered under his breath ,glancing across to the house next door before shaking his head as he went indoors for a long cold shower.

The man next door
FanfictionRich Jeon Jungkook is used to having his own way, so when he finds his perfect house he wants it but doesn't want a neighbour, so the obvious thing is to buy that property as well right?.......wrong!