Jimin sighed it had been a week since the note came and where he had felt scared now he was just irritated,Jin watched him like a hawk , he checked out everyone Jimin served in case they did something wrong.
"Jin enough your glaring at the customers!"
"I just want you to be safe,"
"I know and thank you but the fact is the police recognised them and we haven't had anymore notes it was probably a bluff."
"Ok but I can still take you home,"
"No the bus is fine, ok, now let's get on."
Jin huffed, then smiled as he saw Namjoon and Jungkook come in.
" my two favourite customers,the usual?"
They nodded, Jungkook looking for and finding Jimin who as usual ignored him.
"Kookie,!" A voice yelled out.
"Tae? What are you doing here?"
"Visiting the best coffee shop in the area with my friend Chanyeol."
Tae's friend nodded to them all smiling, Jimin glanced up, then stared in amazement turning over to the group,"Channy?"
Jimin jumped up hooking his arms and legs around the other ,who held onto him closely as Jimin planted a kiss full on the males lips.
Jungkook fidgeted at the display, why was Jimin being so close ,he cleared his throat," you two know each other then?"
"Ah Jiminee here was my only friend in the orphanage, we were extremely close,"Chanyeol said.
"Yes until you were adopted and went to America,I lost my soulmate," Jimin sulked, then grinned as he hugged the boy more," when did you come back?
"I've been in Korea a month,my parents now split the year between here and America,I run their business this side."
"Run their business!! He's the CEO in charge of BANGTAN INDUSTRIES, he makes it sound like he's a shopkeeper," Tae smirked.
"Wow,you did well Channy,"Jimin said feeling slightly subdued at this information , he felt like he was a bit of a letdown.
Chanyeol knew his friend of old,all his insecurities,his low self esteem.
"You look happy Jiminee,I'm pleased,"
"Yes,I have good friends,"
"Boyfriend?" He new Jimin preferred males.
"Nobody,I'm probably too annoying for others,"
"I doubt that,your handsome and cute,remember when we were little we used to say we would marry when we got older!"
"I'm sure your taken now," Jimin laughed.
"No maybe we should try it out ," he laughed, they had always known they were better at being friends and nothing else, not that the male staring at them with jealousy in his eyes knew that,his fists clenching under the table.
"Come over to mine,tonight,what's your number?"
The two exchanged numbers and Jimin went back to work.
"Small world isn't it,I met Chanyeol when I studied abroad and now we work together,I didn't know you knew Jimin, though."
"I'm glad we met up, I always worried about him, he cared so much for others,even when he was hurting inside he tried not to let it show,I'm glad he's got friends like you," he stared around the table eyes coming to rest on Jungkook seeing the jealousy in his eyes and wondering,hmmm, something to sort out later.
Tae introduced everyone including Jin who had come to take their orders. Everyone shook his hand but the one called Jungkook only briefly.
"I hope I'm not overstepping but are you the Jeon Jungkook the artist?"
Jungkook nodded.
"Wow, I own one of your paintings you are amazing."
Jungkook found himself liking the male the more they talked, he could see why Jimin liked him, even if he was still jealous,wait he was Jealous?
How could he be jealous, they weren't a couple(but you want to be) the voice in his head said.when did this happen he thought( you've always wanted him but your a scaredy cat) the irritating voice said." I am not," he blurted out, then realised the others were looking at him,"Er I am not sure if you would like to have a party at my place at the weekend," he said,cursing his wayward thoughts.
"Yay you bet," they all said," oh I'll tell Jimin," Jin said rushing over to the boy.
"Right I have to go ,8 o'clock Saturday see you all then." Jungkook stood up to leave his eyes going to the small boy at the counter who blushed when caught watching him, he smiled at the boy who nodded back ,then he left to get on with the paintings which if he thought about it should have shown him how he felt as each one was centred around Jimin!
It was evening, Jungkook sat quietly on his balcony and yes he was eavesdropping on Jimin and Chanyeol, both sitting on the patio eating and drinking, laughing about things in their past.
Chanyeol suddenly brought up Jungkook.
" so what's it like knowing a famous painter?"
"I'm so useless Channy I had never heard of him, but I googled him after I met him, wait let me show you the picture he did."
Jimin rushed to fetch the drawing showing it to Chanyeol with pride." Wow Jimin , he's really captured you...., and he gave you this?"
"Mmmhmmm," Jimin nodded.
"This is worth a fortune,"
"Anything he does sells for thousands."
"Well I don't want the money I want this,
Jungkook smiled to himself hearing this.
"What do you think of him?"
"What do you mean, he's a .....friend, oh and my neighbour."
"Nothing special then,"
"O-of course not, he's not into relationships anyway, he likes to love them and leave them.......,o-or so I've been told," Jimin said not wanting to give himself away.
"But ,do you like him you know in that sort of way?" Chanyeol insisted.
The small boy thought before he spoke," Channy, I'm not even in his league, no one would think of us as a couple,look at me......,so let's stop this now."
Jungkook felt his heart clench at the matter of fact way Jimin put himself down and felt guilty that he had attributed to this feeling.
"Jiminee your perfect, I don't want to hear you put yourself down ok?"
Jimin nodded standing to clear up and yawning "sorry", he said.
"No that's ok , I'd better go anyway, take care sleep well Jimin.
Chanyeol stood up to leave he caught a movement next door on a balcony sure he knew who it was, he smiled to himself, hopefully these two idiots would sort themselves out and soon!
Waving goodbye , he left, Jimin staying out to sit in the dark as Jungkook watched from above.
He heard the boy talking to himself," just act normal, he kind of likes you just accept that."
Jungkook frowned who was Jimin talking about?

The man next door
Fiksi PenggemarRich Jeon Jungkook is used to having his own way, so when he finds his perfect house he wants it but doesn't want a neighbour, so the obvious thing is to buy that property as well right?.......wrong!