Jungkook went and stood on his balcony, he had been in his studio for hours not realising the time, so after his shower he came out in the balcony to breath in some fresh air.
He was thinking about what he should get to eat when a crash came from next door, glancing over quickly he heard someone muttering and then another crash. He ran down the stairs and through the gap around to the back patio where the doors were open, looking inside he saw Jimin sitting on the floor of the kitchen diner broken crockery around him and a water jug tipped over dripping down to the floor smashed glass underneath.
Jimin just sat amongst the debris head on his knees one hand holding the other wrist.
"Oh Er sorry about the noise,I'm ok just dropped a few things, thanks for checking,you better get back now,"Jimin said not moving and keeping his face turned away.
"Let me help you ,"Jungkook walked over, "no,no go away,get back to your date!"
Jungkook ignored the boy walking over until he stood in front of him,it was only then he saw blood dripping from a cut on Jimins head,"Jimin what the hell," he went to pull Jimin up but the boy screamed in pain when his injured hand got pulled.
Jungkook bent down and swept Jimin up in his arms then placed him in the sitting room on an armchair, kneeling down he took the boys hand carefully seeing dark purple bruises and swelling, then tipping his head up he saw a small cut at his hairline, the boys eyes were red from crying but he still tried to pass it off," I know I'm a walking disaster arent i ,you always seem to save me,but I'm ok really,I just tried to get some bowls down but used my bad wrist which made me drop them and knock one from the cupboard which caught my head, that caused me to trip back knocking the jug and glass over , but I'm ok ,I'll just clean up and everything will be ok."he lied the pain in his wrist from overworking it making him go pale and dizzy.
"Stay there!" Jungkook demanded,going to the kitchen he found a broom and swept the mess up, then wiped up the water. Coming back he asked,"we're you getting something to eat?"
"Hmm,but I don't think I'll bother,"
Jungkook stared at the boy, seeing pain in his eyes, making his mind up he said," where's your room,?"
"Upstairs but why?
The tall male ran quickly upstairs coming down a few minutes later with clothes in his hands.
"What?" Jimin yelped as Jungkook picked him up resting the clothes in his lap,"keys?Phone?" Jimin nodded to a small table,jungkook stride over leaning down to grab the items then making sure lughts were turned off and back door locked he strode over to the gap in the fence walking through to his place and settling jimin at the breakfast bar." Your staying here til your wrist is better,"
"But your girlfriend ,"Jimin whispered looking around.
"She was just a friend who I dropped off at the taxi rank."
For some reason this made Jimin happy but he still didn't feel easy being there.
"Look I know you think I need help but I'm fine honestly,"
"Oh yer? Take off your hoodie,"
"If your fine,take off your hoodie."
Jimin looked at Jungkook who raised an eyebrow at him,I can do this he thought, putting his hands to the bottom of his hoodie he went to pull it up but couldn't hold in the gasp off pain,two other hands gripped the top and pulled it up and over Jimins head.
"So your ok,Hmm ?"
"Alright!It hurts like hell and has been all day,satisfied!!"
"No I'm not ,I felt like hitting those men earlier,you shouldn't have to deal with people like that and why didn't you come home if you were in that much pain?"
"BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO BE THE PATHETIC BOY ALL THE TIME!!!!" Jimin ranted before tears ran down his face, his emotions finally getting the better of him.
Jungkook came and hugged the boy to his chest patting his back gently,"Jimin you are not pathetic,"
The small boy sniffed," I am, how many times have you had to save me?huh,and Jin why should I just pick and choose when I work?"
"Maybe I'm your knight in shining armour, doesn't the knight always rescue people?
Jimin giggled,"knight huh,well I s'pose if I can't have a prince you can be his stand in."
"Don't worry,it's just my thing,I used to think one day I'd get my Prince Charming,but it seems like nobody gave him a map to find me,hey?"
Jungkook smiled," well I don't mind being a stand in until he comes,"
Just then Jimins phone rang, Jungkook saw the caller and immediately grabbed it out of Jimins reach and answered it.
"Hi...no it's me Jungkook,yes I Am,no your right he's not ,that's what I said,I'll tell him,ok no I'll make sure,huh he wouldn't want that haha,bye for now."
"Hey,why did you answer?"
"Because it was Jin and I wanted a word but he said it all anyway."
"He said he knew you were in pain but trying to hide it,that you should have gone home,you are not to come in for the rest of the week and that I was to make sure you didn't, even if it meant tying you to a chair!"
"Hmph! Why do you all treat me like a baby," he whined.
"Because right now you sound like one ,right go up to my room shower put on your pjs from that pile of clothes and come down, I'll have something ready to eat,oh do yo need any help with anything,clean towels in the bathroom cupboard,use my shower stuff,also spare toothbrush in the cupboard above the sink,"
Jimin nodded went to leave then shyly turned, "Erm,Er ,c-can you help me pull my t shirt up and over,"
Jungkook came over to the small boy, gently lifting the t shirt up and over the boys head before Jimin grabbed his clothes in his good hand held them to his naked chest and went upstairs.
Fuck!! Thought Jungkook ,the boy was beautiful his small frame carried some serious abs he had a hard time not reaching out to touch them before the boy went off . He felt a twitch below and saw Jungkook junior also liked what he saw,damn think boring things Jungkook, he went to the fridge picking out foods to cook and gradually settled back to normal determined to just make a dish that was tasty and filling.
By the time Jimin came down the table was set and Jungkook had filled water glasses beside one was some pain relief for Jimin.
"Let me just rub this arneca cream on ,it will help the bruises," he rubbed the cream gently on the boys wrist before washing his hands and dishing up the food.
Jimin sat down took the pills and drank some water before starting on the food," mmm ,delicious, thank you,Erm I didn't know what room to put my clothes in?"
"My room"
"But where will you sleep?"
"My room"
" what!"
"Jimin you've slept in that bed before it's obviously comfortable for you,you didn't mind me around last time so what's the matter,you think I want to jump your bones?it's a big bed,I'd rather have you there where I can keep an eye on you than having to make one of the beds up in the other rooms and you start doing something to make your wrist worse,"
"I-ok,I'm sorry for fussing,I expect it will be better tomorrow so I will go home,"
"Nope,That's well and truly bruised and Jin told me to take care of you so you don't go back until I say you can!"
"Watch yourself,you don't know just how bossy I can be!"
"Huh are you always this dominant?"
"Oh yer,some of my intimate friends even call me daddy!" He smirked , enjoying the rosy hue that appeared on Jimins face when he said this.
"Ew,your too much,"
"Aw I forgot your a little virgin,who knows nothing about pleasure!"
"Who said ! I'll have you know that I've pleasured myself plenty,"Jimin blurted out before covering his face in embarrassment at what he had said.
Jungkook just laughed," so your not the little innocent everyone thinks," he chuckled.
"Argh! Shut up , I'm going to bed," he stomped off upstairs muttering and grumbling, much to Jungkooks amusement .
Jungkook washed up and wiped the surfaces down, he switched the tv on but realised after half an hour that he had no idea what he had been watching, going upstairs he quietly went into his room seeing Jimin curled up in a ball his hurt wrist laying on a pillow pulled sideways, his lashes dark against his pale cheeks and tiny snores coming from him..
Jungkook went into the bathroom taking some pj bottoms with him only as he never slept in a top
after showering he lay down in the bed facing the boy, his eyes registering the plump lips the crescent moon closed eyes the cheeks, reaching out he ran a soft finger across the boys lips causing him to stir slightly ,sighing he turned onto his stomach then gradually as he listened to the others short breaths he fell into a deep sleep.

The man next door
FanfictionRich Jeon Jungkook is used to having his own way, so when he finds his perfect house he wants it but doesn't want a neighbour, so the obvious thing is to buy that property as well right?.......wrong!