Chapter 1: the discovery of steam power

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When I walked through the door on Friday with almost no money, no one was surprised. Every month they paid less and less to their workers. Afterall who needs the chance of all those lawsuits if they can get a machine to do it faster, and safer. Ever since they found out about the machinery, more and more of my co-workers have been fired. The only thing we have left to think about is how soon we'd be fired. My manager came to me today and told me that there is a high chance I'd be fired next.

"WELCOME HOME BROTHER!" My little sister exclaimed as I walked in the door, "DID YOU GET ME ANY NEW TOYS WHEN YOU WERE OUT." She grabbed my pant leg and started pulling trying to get me in the house.

" Lilly, you already know I don't make enough money for toys."

"You did. You used to buy me new ones every week."

"That was before I got a lower pay. Besides with all this technology I'm surprised I still have a job."

" Why's that? Aren't you the best worker they have?"

"I used to be but since they started using technology, and we couldn't afford it, they started laying people off. I heard I'm next"

" But why would they fire you? You're the best worker they had in a while."

"The company doesn't care. They got machines. If you can't outwork a machine you're going to be fired."

"That's unfair, how are you supposed to outwork a machine?!"

"I know, believe me, but it's the way the world works. Out with the old, in with the new."


"I know.... The world's changing and it seems like we are being outdated."

A few years later they came out with mechanical enhancements, and artificial limbs. People proved time and time again that their fake limbs were superior. Especially when it came to work. Eventually people started to believe that people without fake limbs were inferior, and insignificant. They started treating them like slaves... I didn't like it but there is no changing them.

The morning after they were released they were looking for testers to make sure they worked. They were offering great pay for it too, so I decided to become a test subject. I waited until my family fell asleep and went out to meet the scientists. When they got there they asked for my name and where I lived. I told them I'd prefer it be kept a secret, but he insisted. I quickly got off without telling him after I said my family was dead, and I didn't have a name. He grumbled something and told me to follow him.

He led me through a small white door in the corner of the room. Through a plain, blank, white corridor until we came across the first free testing room. After making sure I was strapped to the table he started to clean up.

"You sure you want to go through with this? This could get you killed."

"Yes I'm sure," I responded, "I have to go through with this."

"Do you understand that we cannot be held responsible if you become crippled, and or worse?"

"Yes, I understand."


With that he walked out of the room, and a doctor came in. The doctor was pushing a cart with sleeping gas, and a mechanical arm. He put the carts to the side and started testing my blood pressure and other things to see if this operation would be safe to do. After all the tests were done he looked for a wire, and finally put me under. 

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