Chapter 3: the forbidden secret

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"It is said that one who knows what to feel for can be a mage, and can control the magic. Your first test is the test of compatibility. Sit down and open your mind. Feel the vibrations of my voice and the air around you. Focus on your inner energy."

I sat down and listened. I followed his steps turning my focus inward. I sat there and waited, feeling the energy as it slowly took shape. As I explored deeper I began to feel that warm feeling again, but this time it was too warm. It felt like it started burning my skin. I fell back in alarm, releasing the mental concentration I had on it.

"What did you feel?"

"I don't know. It was so strong and strong I had to run. I still have yet to actually feel it."

"Ok, try again. I'll watch this time."

I sat back down going back into the abyss that was my mind. I called forth the feeling again, but this time I was prepared.I didn't back away from the heat, and gradually it grew warm again. Eventually it welcomed me, and went into my body forcing me to absorb it. Right when I was about to leave two more feelings came and entered me before I could pull away. Another feeling came through and forced me out as well as letting my body completely absorb it. I fell backward looking up at the sky.

"What did you feel?"

"I felt warmth, and very , very hot."

"Sounds like fire. Imagine a flame in your hand and one will grow there. Try to conjure the flame now."

"Ok I'll try." I sat up and held my hand out, willing the fire to form. After about 5 minutes I stopped trying.

"Maybe you're too weak to cast spells. Lets try training your mana so that you have enough for spells."

"Ok... how do I do that?"

"Just relax. It's similar to the method you just used. This time instead of pulling the feeling inside out. Pull the outside in."

"Ok, I'm not sure what you mean by that but I'll try." I sat back up feeling the air and environment. Slowly, but surely I felt it. The feeling that indicates magic, but instead of it being drawn in I had so much I was pushing it out making the mana in the air get stronger. By the time I finished and felt refreshed the air was heavy with it.


I sat there watching the strange new kid that entered the forest. Waiting for the usual pull of mana as he absorbed it, but what I wasn't expecting was what really happened. His body started leaking mana. Slowly at first, but gradually speeding up. When he had released enough mana that it turned visible it took shape. It formed a dragon as fierce as Hades himself. The dragon opened his mouth breathing out a little mana of smoke. Then it roared. It was a silent roar, but I heard it loud and clear. I heard it as the mana coming off the dragon filled me. Striking fear into my very bones. It breathed out its fire into the air. Making the air feel heavy. It slowly grew bigger and stronger as time went by. Until eventually the air turned dark blue with its mana. I fell to the ground feeling as if the dragon itself was pushing me into the ground. I froze, unable to move. I sat there waiting wondering how much longer this will last. Hoping the kid would run out of mana soon, but he never did. The weight got heavier every minute. Finally when I reached my limit, right before I passed out I heard, "Hey mister, are you ok? What happened?" I sighed with relief as the crushing weight lifted off me, and I slid into a peaceful slumber, regathering my strength.


I breathed out softly feeling at peace for a moment. Then I heard a strange noise. It sounded like a person falling down. I opened my eyes and looked around, but didn't see one. Then I looked behind me and saw him. The man I was speaking to only moments before was laying down. Pail as a ghost. "He must have seen something very scary to look like that," I thought. I walked over to him and crouched by his head. "Hey mister are you ok? What happened?" I asked. My questions only was greeted with a sigh of what sounded like relief, and the man relaxed and the color slowly returned to his face. I went to pick him up, but stopped at the smell. He smelled like a blacksmith after having to carry the anvil upstairs. I went to touch him again, but right before my hand made contact with his clothes an arrow shot through my hand. I recoiled, holding my hand wincing in pain.

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