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I stormed back to the Hokage's building with this newfound rush of adrenaline still coursing through my veins and didn't bother knocking as I ran past the guards and burst through the doors to see Kakashi pouring over some paperwork. He looked up at me like I was deranged, but to be fair in that moment I could have been.


"Choi? What happened?"

I looked around skeptically before closing the doors behind me and approaching him, "Check the windows, I don't know where they went."


He did as I asked and we checked the windows before moving away from them, our proximity close enough to exchange breath but necessary given the random event having occurred moments ago. I locked my amber eyes with his onyx ones and spoke quietly, "An assailant just approached me in the book shop down the road. Akima is alright, we were the only other two in the shop. They didn't attack, just left me with a very confusing string of words."

Lord Sixth listened intently his expression hardening as he urged me to continue, "What did they say?"

"Don't trust the plan. They will perish."

Even repeated the words sent chills down my spine, the last thing we needed was another heavy situation after finally restoring things around here. The silver haired man nodded looking past me slightly in thought, "Is that all?"

"I-I asked who they were and they said...a friend."


He made his way back over to his desk and sat down gently, folding his hands together, "Choi, I will arrange for someone to look into this assailant situation right now your mission is already on the table and ready to go tomorrow morning."

"But Lord Sixth, what plan are they speaking of and why target me instead of someone like you or Naruto?"

His eyes snapped to mine coldly, "Choi do as I say and go home. Please don't worry on this any further I will handle it. We will find out why of all shinobi the message was sent to you, perhaps through that subject you brought in."

I nodded and made my way out suddenly feeling like a scolded child with the way he spoke to me, he seemed...angry. Why would he be angry? Well, this could be a new threat to the leaf that's why...

As I made my way out of the Hokage's building I didn't notice the stares of the other guards for my bizarre actions and certainly didn't notice a certain spiky haired shinobi slip out of his office and off towards Kakashi's.

Shikamaru's POV

Kakashi had summoned for me rather urgently despite having just met this morning, what a drag...there's already something else to deal with. As I left my office, I saw Choi leaving the building looking rushed and defeated, it hurt to see her not her usual radiant self. I'd have to talk to her about that later if she'll let me.

Once I reached the Hokage's door I didn't even have to knock before I heard a low 'come in' and pushed the door open. Kakashi looked furious, it was rare I saw him exude any real emotion other than maybe being a little cold, but the air in the room was so tense I could cut it with a knife.

"You summoned for me Lord Sixth?"

"Someone is trying to tip off Choi. She can't know about what's going on, you know she will just charge headfirst into this like Naruto would have."

I nodded in understanding, her shunned appearance now making sense, "What was she told?"

The silver haired man sighed deeply releasing some of his frustration, "She was told not to trust the plan and that we will perish, from a friend supposedly. We can't be sure if this is someone rogue from the enemy's side or if this is someone from the Leaf that knows about our plan to bring this enemy down. Who else knows what that man said in the interrogation room?"

My eyebrows furrowed slightly as I recalled the ninja present for the formulation of the plan he spoke of, "Myself, Ino, a couple ANBU, and the only other interrogator my age. Remi or something."

Lord Sixth hummed in response, "I see, you're all set to distract her with that false mission tomorrow, correct?"

I sighed rolling my eyes slightly, "Yes, but Kakashi sir wouldn't it be more beneficial if I were to stay here to fight the incoming enemy force?"

He stared at me, that slight twinkle coming into his normally stormy gaze, "I see why you would think that Shikamaru, but this enemy is directly after Choi and if they were to catch wind of us sending her away, I think the safest way to ensure her survival and return to the leaf is with you. I can handle things from here just as well."

I cursed under my breath knowing he was right and nodded, "I understand. Why not send a three-man team instead of just us two?"

This time the question was for personal gain, I still wasn't sure how to act around her after her confession of not feeling any special way towards Genma, "I have my reasons Shikamaru, don't you worry about my strategy on this one. Just know it's the smartest move we can make for hers and the Leaf's safety."

I tsk-ed my superior as he gave me a closed eye smile and sighed deciding to make my exit for the day as the sun was now starting to slowly dip onto the horizon.

Choi's POV

After getting back to the bookstore and ensuring the safety of those around the preservation of the place I had made my way back home to once again shower after being covered in a mysterious smoke and having tears run down my cheeks from Kakashi's cold dismissal. Yes, I was a tough leaf shinobi, but hey a girl had feelings sometimes and it still hurts when a man you look up to in many ways treats you like a scolded child. I laid on my couch with an Icha Icha book in hand, relishing in my guilty pleasure. I only got to meet Jiraiya once, when Naruto returned from his training, and I was obsessed with the sage. He was my inspiration, everything I wished to become in a ninja. Maybe a little less pervy...

Reading his books now though, when not really delving into the pornography of it, gave me a very nostalgic feeling. No time for that now though, my hormones were going insane today.

Maybe it was the adrenaline of today's events, maybe it was the failed date with Genma, or maybe it was just the fact that I saw Shikamaru today.

Wait what!? What am I thinking? No way it's the last reason.

As I tried to convince myself it wasn't that and get lost in the lustful words of the mountain sage, I couldn't help but recall that night on the mission. The night I took that private bath, the same night I saw a glimpse of what Shikamaru looked like out of his uniform. Oh boy...here we go again...

I lightly rubbed my legs together trying to gather any form of friction as I read on barely even being able to actually focus on the words at this point as all I could think about was Shikamaru hovering above me in this moment. My wanton thoughts led my hand to start trailing my body and slowly make it's way to my clothed center, but just as I was about to make contact a sudden knocking on my door threw me from my lust filled daydream.

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