In de beginning(1

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-Her breath started to stop as she got farther. Worry leaving the boy's body as he exhaled a loud sigh of relief, thinking he was safe. He was wrong. As soon as he exhaled that breath, the door of the closet came swinging open. He was doomed!

"Tubbo! What are you doing!? Get off your lazy butt and get ready for school!" Teagan yelled.

Tubbo groaned loudly, mumbling something probably about disowning his sister. And with the help of gravity, he fell flat on his face.

"Ow! Teagan, look what you made me do!"

"Yeah, yeah- get ready now or I'm leaving you behind."

"Awe, does our precious older brother not want to go to his first day of his last year?" Lani said, pitying Tubbo.

"You're one to talk, middle schooler."

And with that, he headed out the door. Starting to walk down his drive and down the street. As I was walking I heard one specific voice. No matter how normal that voice should be, it startles me every time.

"OI BEEBOY!" I turn my head slightly to the side to see aunt Sally covering Tommy's mouth. She giggled and waved to me. I waved back, switching sides to walk with them.

"Actually, how did you deal with him this entire summer, like I would've had a hammer to his head already,"

Sally laughed, "Same way I've dealt with dating his brother for the past three years." She smiled, removing her hand from the screaming child. "Now, be nice to your friend or its gonna be a smack next."

After a few small conversations here and there, we arrived at Tommy and I's same old high school. The one containing all the painful and grateful memories. It was like a second home, you know?

"Bye Sally!" I smiled, waving her off.

"Bye Tubbo, bye Tommy! Have a great first day!" Sally said smiling as she started to walk back to Wilbur's house.

"Sooo, Tubbo, mate," Tommy poked Tubbo's arm, "Got any goals this year? Gonna hop on the trend finally and get some ladies?"

Tubbo let put a laugh, "Sadly, I'm too much of trend enjoyer, plus, I'm not ready for any new relationships cause of him. I'm sorry. This is the last year in high school, I have to watch my grades so I dont slack off," Tubbo said with a smile, but with still a dull color in his eyes.

"No, Tubbo, I should be the one sorry. I brought it up, you did nothing wrong," Tommy was cut off by Tubbo. " It's fine, I should've listened to you instead of pushing you away. It was a year ago. Things change and people grow and mature." Tubbo said chuckling to himself, Tommy was doubtful, but nodded anyway. If his best friend was over it, he should be too.

Author's note

Thank you so much for reading this story so far! Honestly, I believe this is one of the only stories I'll publish and not delete right after- I'm really happy with how this story is gonna turn out :). Reminder to drink water and eat well! Goodnight, Good afternoon, or Good morning my beloved reader <3

Words: 530

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