Little devils. (23

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 I felt sorry for leaving Tubbo alone at our apartment, but we did need this money if we wanted to live in an actual house in the future. I hummed a quiet or loud tune of "Cabinet Man" by Lemon Demon. I couldn't tell you if I was loud or not, for only others than thyself can say. I mean I hoped it was quiet cause I don't wanna be a bother to people who are just trying to live their lives. 

I was reading a book I grabbed from the library that one night, it's a pretty stupid book, I'll admit, called Nothing Lasts Forever, I think. I felt a tap on the side of my left shoulder that was followed by a few small giggles "Hey, Mr. Gendertaker,". that rang a bell, the only people that would- and he was getting mugged by a group of preteens.

 "Thanks :)" a young voice said, it was almost masculine and feminine at the same time (puberty). The next thing he heard was a can cracking open. "Sprite, gimme some!" another voice said. He jumped at the teen that was holding the stolen soda can, "Takers keepers bitch,"

 "Sprite, you're too young to curse and share it with Michael please, or ill take it back," Ranboo said scoffing at the golden-haired teen, 'Sprite'. "Also, mind explaining why you guys are here at the bus stop that happens to be the one I use to go to work? And where's the third one?" He said looking around.

 "Right here." a new voice said. "Now listen here, Buddy," the same teen spirit voice said, "No need for all the questions." They said wrapping their arm around the other two kids. "We just wanted to say hi to our favorite white boy."

"Mm, you sure? Or did you guys get in trouble with your caretaker again so you're here to ask if you can stay with me while I work?" Ranboo said with an unamused voice tone. He crossed his arms, these kids are going to be the death of him one day. "Well, what are you waiting on? The bus is here." He said signaling the kids to hop on, he laughed, ' I'm going to protect these little rats no matter what.'

 "Hey, Mr. Ranboo," Michael, the youngest of all three, started to speak, "Can I stay in the worker's lounge again? I don't like the feeling of so many people." He mumbled the last part but Ranboo still understood. "Yeah, no problem, just if you're going to do that can you find somehow to get your devil friends to join you? I don't want them running around the store and bothering the customers again like last time." Michael nodded before placing his head on Ranboo's shoulder.

 "SPRITE YOU LITTLE- AH, GIVE IT BACK!" Sam said bursting into the cafe, chasing after Sprite who had taken their glasses. "COME AND GET IT SAMMY WAMMY!" were Sprite's last words before getting knocked over onto the employee's office couch. "FINE, YOU TALL DEVIL TAKE THEM JUST LET ME GO," Sprite pleaded while playfully hitting Sam to let her go. "Hmm. I'll be taking those." They said as they snatched their glasses out of the annoying child's grasp.

 "Hey, Ranboo said to stay in here until closing." 


 Michael covered Sam's mouth, "He ALSO said that 'If you guys need anything just go and ask Ms. Kirsten in the back for help.'" 

"That prick knows me too well, welp." Sam rolled their eyes before walking to the couch again, "Night." And with that they passed out at 7:45 in the morning, on a couch, with no trouble, just pass out.

 "Hey, guys? We can head back-" Ranboo turned to face the office to see three teenagers all snuggled together, holding onto each other like the world was ending, sleeping on the couch, "if you wanted to get any food." He smiled before walking over to the group of teens and placing a plate of biscuits and tea for them. 

 Sprite yawned, 'what time is it-' "FUCK. GUYS WAKE UP, THE CAFE CLOSED FOUR HOURS AGO!" she yelled throwing the boy beside her off the couch.

 "OW! THAT HURT!" A raspy voice said after feeling the impact of the floor.

 "MICHAEL- ARE YOU OKAY?" A concerned older voice shouted, "Are you hurt or anything?" 

 "It was just a fall, nothing bad, I just hate Sprite." Sprite was most defiantly flipping off Michael, you could sense it, even if none of them could see in the darkness around them.

 "What time did the foster care place thingy want you guys back?"

 "Two hours ago?"

 "This is why they hate you guys." the group of preteens just shrugged, "So can we go watch a movie?" 

 "Eh, I hate your foster care anyway, let's go."

Words: 809

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