the big apple

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"I'm so sorry, Miss Mariano."

I didn't know how to react. Goosebumps arose on my arms, my breath was caught in my throat. The stale air of the doctors office went ice cold, and tears welled up in my eyes. All the sounds in the world dulled to a faint ringing in my head.

The doctor's words after that were a slur of incoherent sounds, all jumbled up inside my head underneath the deafening ringing tone.

"I-I'm sorry, I have to go," I stammered out, pulling my bag over my shoulder and rushing out.

"Miss Mariano, we should really discuss-"

"I'll call tomorrow or something, I have to go," I cut the bald man off on my way out, walking as fast as my feet could take me on the laminate floor of the hospital to the closest elevator I could find.

I anxiously pushed on the 'down' button a million times, knowing it wouldn't make it go any faster but wishing it would. My converse-clad foot tapped on the floor as I stepped away from the metal doors, awaiting their opening so I could escape.

After what felt like an eternity, a ring that didn't come from inside my head but from the elevator instead, and the doors slid open. I was hoping there would be no one inside, so I could... y'know, cry.

But lo and behold, that could not happen, and a familiar, suit clad figure was inside the small metal box.

Logan Huntzberger.

I quickly wiped away any stray tears that may have escaped from my eyes before stepping inside, praying that he was getting off on this floor.

"Fancy seeing you here." Of course he wasn't getting off on this floor. Just my luck.

I cleared my throat, forcing out words as steadily as possible. "Yeah, could say the same to you. What brings you to the hospital? Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, no I'm good. My buddy Finn just got in an accident involving some very angry swans," The blonde replied, and I couldn't help but dig back a smile at the stupidity of the story. "Anyways, how come you're here? Like hanging out in hospitals?"

A ghost of a smile fell upon my lips as I shook my head. I couldn't tell him. "Just... visiting."

"Well, I hope everything's alright," Logan said as the elevator finally came to a stop.

We stepped out of the elevator, and by some miracle we ended up having to go in opposite directions. "See you around," I said softly as Logan and I parted ways.

I made my way to my car, refusing to cry. I needed to be stronger than this. I sat down in my car and got out my cellphone and dialled one of the two numbers I've had committed to memory. I held the phone to my ear, praying the number was still the same.

It rang once.


Three times.


I let out a breath. "Jess?"

"Stell is that you?"

"Jess, I need to talk to you. Are you still in California or Florida or wherever it was?" My voice started wavering and breaking.

"Uh... no, I'm in New York for the weekend, catching up with a few friends. Is everything okay?"

"Okay, thank you. I'm on my way, page me the address," I rushed out before hanging up before he could ask me anymore questions and before I started bawling.

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