leonard and the limo

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"deal with it"

Inside my head was like a nightclub, ruthlessly pounding against my skull. I stirred awake, and regretted waking up instantly. Even though the only light coming through the unfamiliar room was from a curtain-covered window, it felt blinding. I blinked a few times for my eyes to adjust before looking to either side of me to figure out where I was, because the bed I was in was definitely way too big and comfortable to be my crappy dorm mattress.

I dared to sit up to look at my surroundings. I was under the maroon covers of a large, luxurious bed in an equally as luxurious bachelor pad. My head was pounding and I felt like absolute crap. I've had two hangovers before, but neither came close to comparing to this one. I suppose the sickness made it worse.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed to sit up straight and pushed myself up, urging the room to not spin as I walked out of the bedroom.

"Look who's risen from the dead," A voice chaffed from across the room. I looked up to see Logan in the kitchen of the apartment and stepped toward him.

The smells of whatever he was cooking danced around my nostrils, immediately emitting a bile to rise in my throat. I gagged and covered my mouth with my hand, my eyes darting around the room in search of a bathroom. 

"On your left," Logan informed and I immediately rushed for the door that led to the large bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet, falling to my knees and spewing the contents of my stomach into the bowl. I felt a hand on my back and my short brown hair was pulled away from my face as I coughed up the last of whatever I had eaten the previous day.

After it was all out, I collapsed over the toilet bowl, feeling disgusting. Feeling like this definitely did not have me looking forward to chemo and the side effects the doctor had described. 

"I am so sorry," I rasped out after catching my breath. 

"Don't stress, I've been there," Logan patted my back and handed me a glass of water, two aspirin and a mint, which I desperately brought to my lips,all at once. Logan stood up from his crouched position beside me and helped me to my feet. "Feel free to use the shower. There's a new toothbrush in the second drawer and some fancy hair and skin stuff that my sister swears by in the cabinet."

"Look, Logan, you don't have to do this. You have done plenty, I'll just go back to my dorm," I shook my head, not wanting to intrude.

"Stay," Logan protested. "I don't mind at all. You're not bad company, and anyways, it's kind of my fault you blacked out. I'm the one that got you hooked on those cocktails," He continued, crossing his arms over his chest. I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off and stood between myself and the bathroom door. "Please."

"You're persistent," I pointed out. 

"I prefer determined," He raised his brows to accompany his signature smirk. "Seriously, though, c'mon. I even made breakfast, which is very rare in this house." 

"Well, now I can't say no," I replied jokingly, knowing I didn't have an option. Though I had known Logan for a very short amount of time, I could tell he at least had somewhat good intentions, and he was pretty good company. And I had to admit, even though it made me puke, the food smelled heavenly and I was not about to pass up a free meal, especially with the larger-than-life dents being put in my bank account lately. Car payments, medical bills, etc. 

Logan had cooked up some bacon, eggs with some fancy pesto stuff and sourdough toast. It was amazing — almost as good as Luke's breakfast, which is a very high compliment. We sat at his kitchen island and ate, completely avoiding the subject of the night before, and finding conversation in music, arguing over which Nirvana album was their best. 

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