hangover food

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"logan huntzberger, pleasure to meet you"

I was feeling a lot better after a good night's rest, but just to be sure not to make anyone else sick, I took the day off. But I eventually gave up being bored and decided to go to my night lecture that I was planning on skipping. The reason I had a night lecture in the first place was because I had a shift at Zoomers right before it, which I ended up calling in sick for.

On my way back from the lecture, it seemed like I was the only one walking toward Branford. I was really feeling like a cup of coffee, so of course I had to stop by the coffee cart outside my building. I absolutely despise hot beverages, with the exception of hot chocolate, even when it's freezing cold, I will still never get a hot coffee. "Can I please have an iced caramel macchiato with  whatever lactose-free milk you have?" 

Yeah, being lactose intolerant sucks but there's not much I can do about it. The guy working at the cart nodded as I handed him the money before stepping aside and waiting for my drink. The coffee cart guy and myself were the only two people in the yard, it seemed like. 

Until all of  sudden, three boys came bursting through the courtyard, dancing and singing loudly, obviously drunk. They were clad in fancy suits and one was wearing a top hat.

"Evenin', little lady," The shortest one of the group stopped in his tracks, faking a southern cowboy-like accent that you would hear in old western movies. 

I stared in awkward confusion as the three gathered around me like sharks to chum, circling me. All three in black tuxedos that definitely cost more than my car and old apartment combined. My eyes were drawn to the tallest one was wearing the top hat first as he passed in front of me, skipping and saying incoherent words in a singsong tone.

As they circled around me, skipping at a quick pace, my eyes met a pair of brown ones, accessorised with a cheeky smirk and a blonde head of hair.

"Right, lads, what do we reckon about this one?" The one with a top hat said with a heavy Australian accent as they eventually came to a stop, all three standing in front of me.

The shortest one hummed in response as I stood in front of them, speechless in surprise at the show that was just put on. I thought I'd seen my share of drunk college students at the few parties I attended last year, but obviously not.

"Maybe you can ask for my name instead of eyeing me down like a dog looking at a steak," I said before realising the words had even come out of my mouth, my tone not being rude or snappy, but rather sarcastically sweet, as if talking to a child.

"My apologies. That was rude of us. What's your name, M'lady?" The blonde one made a grand bow in apology, a smirk never leaving his face.

"Miss, your iced caramel macchiato with soy milk?" The guy working the cart said. 

"Um, excuse me," I said awkwardly as the three boys moved out of the way for me. "Thank you," I thanked the coffee guy and handed him a three dollar tip before heading back towards my dorm.

"We never did catch that name," The boys caught up to me, the voice belonging to the blonde one.

"Guess that'll just have to remain a mystery," I replied as I made it to my dorm, unlocking it. "Until next time, boys."

"I like her," I heard the Australian one said as the three walked away and I walked into the common area of my dorm.

"You're home late," Rory commented.

"Had a night lecture, and stopped for some coffee for this all-nighter I'm probably gonna have to pull to catch up. Who knew how much you'd miss from one class?" I replied, closing the door behind me.

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