Chapter 4

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Once we were out of the portal to Earth, we are standing in the middle of the desert. Thor has changed from his robes to a plain black long sleeve shirt and a pair of regular jeans; I am still in my clothes from training. He starts walking forward and I follow him. We walk a few more steps before a black van pulls up leaving a think cloud of dust behind it as it stops.

Thor walks up to the car and opens the passenger door, the man in the van converse with Thor and he makes small gestures with his hands as he talks. They glance a few times in my direction then continue talking; I look at them puzzled. What are they talking about? Better yet, who are they talking about? I think to myself. Thor steps away from the car and walks over to me.

He says, " This is our ride to the Marvel HQ, he will take us. Come on."

I follow him once again and open the back door of the van. I don't trust this man but I'm doing it anyways. The man in the black suit and sunglasses drives off. I stair out the window as the land moves past us. After an hour of driving we make it to the base which is a series of building surrounded by fencing. The car stops and we all get out.

We are led into the area and into the main gray brick building.

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