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Esmè groaned to herself as she lay on the sofa as she heard banging. She knew that the pregnancy was getting to her. She heard banging at the door and sighed as she stood up

"alright I'm coming" Esmè said as she walked to the door and answered it as she saw sienna and glared

"what do you want" she asked. She knew that she wasn't in the mood

"warren is my man and you stole him from me all because I wasn't pregnant I am going to get him back and you will be sorry as he loves me he just doesn't realise it" sienna said as Esmè looked to her and rolled her eyes

"you are delusional love. Your crazy, he doesn't want you he wants me we have been having an affair for months and he wants me not you so why don't you crawl back under your rock and leave us alone" Esmè said as she went to shut the door as sienna stopped her and looked to her

"you will pay for this" sienna said as Esmè looked to her and smirked

"bring it on. I am not scared of you love" Esmè said as she closed the door and sighed as she walked to the fridge as she heard sienna scream outside

Esmè sat in the flat as Hannah walked in and smiled

"I got your message what the hell happened" Hannah asked as Esmè sighed "sienna came around kicking off. She told me that she was going to make me pay

"and the broken glass" Hannah asked as she looked to the broken window that Esmè had called her over

"I went for a bath I came back and it had happened. I'm not scared of sienna Blake han but it's not just me I am worried about and warren is away for work and I'm worried and my mum is out with felix" Esmè said as Hannah smiled

"it will be oaky. Look I am going to stay with you until warren gets back. I know that you say that you are fine but you are far past fine. So stop saying you are sienna Blake is unhinged and I am not letting anything happen to you or that baby okay" Hannah said as Esmè looked to her and smiled as she hugged her

"what would I do without you" Esmè said as Hannah smiled

"let's hope you never have to know and call warren and tell him what's going on. He needs to know" Hannah said as Esmè nodded as she grabbed her phone off of the side

Esme sat in the flat as grace walked in "you know sienna Blake is out there's calling you named don't you" grace said as esme sighed

"I'm aware I don't need it" esme said as grace looked to her "I have to ask are you sure that it's what you want you know you and warren. A baby everything" grace asked as esme smiled

"I know it wasn't planned but it is what I want" esme said as grace looked to her and nodded "just be careful okay the last thing I want is for you to get hurt" grace said as esme looked to her and smiled

"don't worry I will"

A sexy affair *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now