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Esmè sat in the flat with warren as they looked to the positive pregnancy test that sat on the table

"what are we going to do?i mean its not as if we can play happy families I mean I know the deal your with sienna and that" she said as warren nodded

"I know but I am not going to turn my back on you because your pregnant. I am only with sienna because she is pregnant and with you it's different, it's always been different with you. I know you haven't made a decision but I want you to keep the baby. We can be together and we can be happy I want that don't you?" Warren asked as Esmè looked to him and smiled

"of course I want to be with you, I love you warren but tie not that easy and you know it, us being together isn't easy. Someone out there knows over us and then there's sienna she is pregnant and how do you Think she is going to react when the truth comes out as it will. It always comes out in the end. You know it and I know it, I'm just so terrified" Esmè said as warren grabbed a hold of her hand and smiled as he looked to her

"I know, I know your scared but I am here and I am not going anywhere" warren said

Esmè looked to him for a moment as she stood up and walked over to him. She placed a hand on her cheek and nodded

"if we do this then what about sienna I mean she isn't going to be happy over this is she?" Esmè said

"I don't care all I care for is the babies, the twins are mine and I'll make sure I am there dad again and I want us to be together as I love you" warren said as. Esmè looked down at him and smirked as she leant in ad kissed him.

Warren pulled her close so that she was straddling him as the kiss got more passionate. He ran his hands up her top and he ran his hands down her body causing her moan against his touch.

Esmè pulled away from the kiss and looked to warren and smirked "I love you too" she said as warren looked to her and smirked as he kissed her again. He flipped her so that she was on her back on the sofa as he was on top of her.

Esmè moaned into the kiss not knowing how she and warren were going to do this but she knew that they needed to try and find a way to make it work especially now that she was pregnant with his baby

Esmè groaned to herself as she walked out of the bathroom. She had spent most of the morning throwing up, she walked out of the bathroom only to walk into grace and jumped a mile

"bloody hell you nearly gave me a heart attack" Esmè said as grace looked to her daughter and sighed

"I think that we need to Talk, don't you" grace said as Esmè sighed knowing that grace was right but not sure if she was ready to reveal that she was Pregnant. Esmè walked down into the kiss and sighed as she looked to grace who slammed the pregnancy test down. Esmè looked to it and paled as she realised that she had forgotten to move it

"so want to tell me who's it is?" Grace asked "no, I haven't told him and you don't know him" Esmè lied as grace looked to her and sighed

"your seventeen, you had a future planned not falling pregnant and having a baby so young" grace said as Esmè looked to her and rolled her eyes

"you did alright"

"I did stuff to survive and I don't want you to go through the same, go down the same line as me" grace said as Esmè looked to grace

"I've made my decision I'm keeping the baby, I'd like to have your support" Esmè said as she walked off

Esmè stood in the garage as warren walked in. He looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and nodded

"I will be, my mum knows over the baby and it's only going to be a matter of time" Esmè said as warren walked over to her and pulled her close and hugged her

"I know, I know it's mess and that your scared and worried but I am here and it's going to be okay. I am going to look after you no matter what" warren said as he held her close but how long would it be before warren and Esmè were found out?

A sexy affair *Hollyoaks*Where stories live. Discover now